Which TMNT am I?

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Okay, I've had many people argue about which TMNT I am. Some say that I'm Mikey. Some say I'm Raph. Some say I'm Leo. Some say I'm Donnie. Some say that I'm all of them. So I'm going to take your guys opinion!!

Here's a description of myself my own words:

Very protective of my possessions (my family members are included as my possessions), gets nervous in front of crowds (even though I say I never get nervous in front of others), talkative, energetic, the party girl (as my friends call me), tries to act cool/tough but fails, stubborn, immature, ultimate fangirl, would die for someone I love, would die for a complete stranger, doesn't like self sometimes, a bit self-centered at times/like to be in my own little bubble, doesn't like to see others sad, cheers people up a lot, a bit of a dork, AB+ student, gets nervous around boys (when they get past my bubble, but luckily this doesn't happen a lot), music changes my mood, quite a comedian (if I do say so myself 😏), doesn't care what others think of myself, knows everyone but only has a few close friends, emotional, angered easily, sassy, tries sees the good in everyone, trusts people easily (a little too easily), and not really that brave.


Bugs (my rule is if it is a stinkbug, or if it has more than 4 legs, it's a bug), heights, losing family, (not as much but it's in there) being alone, seeing people suffer/seeing people sad, not being in small spaces (I could fit in a cat carrier and close it behind me or crying out loud!) but being cramped by people (my bubble...), and being forced to do something I don't like.

Am I a Mikey?

Am I a Raph?

Am I a Leo?

Am I a Donnie?

Your pick guys!!

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