Best Teacher Ever...

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Today before band class, I was talking about TMNT  to my friend (none of my friends are TMNT Fangirls, but they are good friends so they really don't care about how long I talk about how much I love TMNT, etc. etc.)

Well, one of the teacher overheard. Here was the conversation (simplified version):

Teacher: so you like TMNT too?

Me: Yeah! *thinking to self* he probably won't understand anything I say because most adults I've asked have never seen the TMNT 2012 version.

Teacher: Who's your favorite ninja turtle? Mine's Raph.

Me: Raph and Leo. *smiles like an idiot*

Teacher: Favorite villain?

Me: um...

Teacher: like BeeBop and Rocksteady and Baxter Stockman.

Me: O•O you know the 2012 villains?!

Teacher: *nods*

Me: *starts Fangirling about TMNT with him until...*

Band Director: okay time for class to start!

Me: ;-; my only TMNT friend (who's not online) and now he's gone until the 4th of January...*long and dreadful ssssssiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhh*

But yeah. I was pretty excited!!! Until I wasn't excited anymore. *sigh*

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