Chapter 12: In The Mirror

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The girl reflected in the mirror doesn't look like you. It must be someone else. You would never be wearing a dirty, ripped up wedding dress. You would never have blood staining both your face and clothes. You could never do what this girl was done, but it's already happened.

You turn around and see the little girl who you tripped lying on the floor motionless, with the two others beside her. The girl seems to be breathing, so she isn't dead, but that doesn't excuse what you've done.

"I'm sorry!" You cry, and try to come over, but the redhead blocks you.

"It's too late. Get out of here." She says. You cover your eyes and hold back tears, but decide that you don't even deserve to be even beginning to cry. Aphmau sympathetically looks at you, and gestures for you to follow her.

The two of you walk through the castle's many secret escape routes, and you don't talk the entire way.

"Are you alright?" Aphmau asks. You look down at your feet and don't reply. Aphmau grabs your shoulders, and forces you to look at her.

"Are you alright?" She repeats, looking you in the eye.

"Yeah, I guess." You respond.

"I think something's bothering you." She says.

"I just can't stop thinking about what I did!" You burst out, and then realize you yelled. "Sorry."

"It's okay, and anyways, don't blame yourself. Those girls were instigating a problem, and you were under a lot, and I mean a lot of pressure."

"Thanks." You say, grateful that Aphmau understood. "Do you mind not telling anyone what happened?"

"Okay, but they news still might get out, if O'Khasis begins looking for you." Aphmau warned, but then her eyes widened.

"They can track you! Remember the gem!" She frantically begins trying to pull it right out of your skin.

"Aphmau, stop." You say calmly.

"You can't be serious." She says. "You want to be on their side!"

"Where did you get that idea from?" You ask.

"You asked me to stop trying to free you from that gem!" She says.

"You don't need to! Surprise, it wasn't from O'Khasis! I found out!" Aphmau raises an eyebrow.

"How?" She asks.

"Well, Zane accidentally dropped a hint, and after, I met some fellow bandits in cells, they were part of my family's group of bandits, and they told me it was from them!" You say, excited. Aphmau smiles.

"I guess we're in luck, then!" You both grin at each other.

"Let's get out of here before the guards find us." Says Aphmau, and you continue down the passage.


"We were worried sick about you two!" You and Aphmau roll your eyes at each other as Laurance and Garroth sternly stand in front of you two, yelling.

"I just went into the castle to get Y/N. I'm alive, and that's what matters." Says Aphmau, putting her hands on her hips.

"She did the right thing! If she hadn't interrupted, I would have-" Aphmau cuts you off at the last second by elbowing you in the ribs. You then remember you weren't going to tell anyone. Laurance frowns but doesn't say anything.

"Alright, alright. We get the point, but next time, please tell us if you're going to go on a daring mission in an enemy castle." Garroth sighs, and puts his arm around Aphmau. You and Laurance stand awkwardly, and then Laurance walks out, and you follow.

"Y/N, mind telling me why you're in a wedding dress? And a bloody one, too."

"Uh, well Zane might have tried to force me to marry him, but I, uh, escaped." You say.

"Oh." Laurance turns away. You wonder if you said something to upset him.

"You okay Laurance? Did I say something?"

"You do realize how I feel about you, right? You tilt your head, and he sighs. "I like you, more than like you. I can never stop thinking about you." He says.

Your eyes widen as you realize what he's about to say.

"I love you Y/N. I understand if you don't-" You cut him off with a kiss. He seems startled for a moment before settling into it, and the two of you sit together in forest, staring up at the stars.

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