Chapter 7: Prisoners

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The O'Khasis guards stand waiting for you as you sail in, and your heart begins to beat much, much faster than it should be. You twist around and look behind you for the others, but it seems they're keeping out of sight. Of course, one of your jobs is to distract the guards while they land their boat.

You feel a slight bump as you reach land. Almost immediately, the guards walk over to you, and you freeze, and consider drawing out your sword, but then you realize they aren't here for you, their here for your 'prisoner'.

You watch anxiously as guards go into the cabin, will they recognize Garroth is faking unconsciousness? It seems like they don't, as they drag him out of the cabin. If you didn't know he was faking, you would have believed this yourself. They half-drag, half-carry him towards the Lord's house.

"The high priest would like to speak with you." One of the guards informs you. You vaguely recognize him from your time in O'Khasis, before you became a spy, he's the head guard. You nod, and start off towards his house, but some guards go with you.

Do they still not trust you? You just brought them someone they've been trying to capture for years! You still let them surround you and accompany you to the house. Your appearance starts to show for some very odd looks. The villagers in O'Khasis begin to stare. You just glare around at them until the staring subsides.

You enter the door of Zane's house, hoping he'll hold up his end of the bargain. Garroth for freedom. As you pass, the guards stop walking, and you turn around to look at them.

"The high priest hasn't requested our presence, he even forbid it. You go on." The head guard says.

"Uh, okay..." You say uncertainly, and look around for the room he would be in.

"The fifth room on the right, second floor!" One of the younger guards calls out, but is quickly shushed by the head guard. You hear the door slam behind you and you flinch, and begin climbing the stairs. Fifth room on the right, he said...

On your way through the hall, you admire some beautiful golden chandeliers. If O'Khasis can afford that, why can't they lend some money to starving villages? You take a deep breath before walking into the room. You begin to get butterflies in your stomach, so you don't hesitate any longer.

"Hello?" You ask, and walk in. Zane sits at his desk.

"Well, miss Y/N. Long time no see." He says, smirking at you.

"Are we here to talk about my freedom, or here to throw sassy remarks at each other, like last time?"

"Still haven't learned any manners, have we?" He shakes his head. "Well, let's get to business. O'Khasis thanks you for returning my older brother to us, but I'm afraid I've needed to make some changes to our agreement."

Your eyes widen, what does he mean by 'changes'? Zane has a reputation of making big things sound like little ones.

"Well, unfortunately, if you had brought Aphmau to O'Khasis, she would have been my wife, but as you didn't do that, and captured Garroth instead, so I decided to revoke the part of our deal that says you won't get married to me after you've completed a task."

You feel like breaking down and crying.

"You've been planning this all along? Haven't you!" You nearly scream. "I can't stop you from making me your wife, but I will fight you every step of the way!"

"You might not want to do that. Guards! Bring the prisoners in!"

Guards walk in with Aphmau, Garroth, and... Laurance.

Light in the Darkness: Laurance X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now