Chapter 10

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Coming back to reality, I found myself half laying on the ground and half leaning on the motor cycle. Really bad timing to have flashbacks Cat. Even if they end up helping you. I told myself, pulling myself to my feet. Screams filled the air, my head snapping up in response, ears perked up to the sky. Shit!
"Shadow!?" I called out for him, running towards the crumbling building ahead of me. He came into sight and glanced over at me. I sighed in relief.
"I can't get in. There is a magical seal all around the building. The Commander never mentioned anything about this." He growled lowly.
"Those screams means we are too late. We should have knocked them off their course and took the kids! We shouldn't have followed them here!" I was upset with how things were playing out.
"Even if we ran them off the road, they could have crashed and killed those kids. They could have shot them. We don't know what they would have done." He continued to investigate the magical barrier.
I focused and used my powers to create an opening through the barrier and into the building. I grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him through, cautiously keeping quiet. I led us down the stairs to where the ritual was taking place. We were just in time to witness the same demonic goop I once had laid eyes upon grab hold of a human being; it twisted and formed with the body, devouring it, taking its shape. The biological goo slipped in through the mouth as they had screamed, it went for their eyes next, crawling in through the smallest of cervices. The ears were subjugated as well. Soon there was nothing left of whom it once had been, and there was now a fully fledged demon. Dark wings that matched the black of the night spread from his back, matching horns sprouted all along the sides of his skull. His skin was a maroon colour, he lacked any hair, and his eyes were a soulless black.
My leg felt as if it were on fire, where he had once grabbed me, two years ago. A loud snort came from him, a cloud of demonic smoke slipped from his slits for nostrils. One of the cloaked members in the room had stepped forward only to kneel down on one knee, arms out to either side of their body. The other cloaked ones follow suit, showing their respect. The burning in my leg increased, my lips pursed together.
"Fools." The demon spoke, his voice doubled up, his dark and deep. With a wave of his hand the cloaked humans stirred, only to later be seized up; wisps of their life force was drawn out of them and turned from a smoky white to a devil red. The demon devoured their life, I could sense his power becoming stronger, more placed in this world.
The burning caused my vision to blur. I fell to one of my knees; I pulled up my pant leg to discover a burn mark of a hand imprinted into me, my quills singed. I noticed a ripple of movement, a sudden connection to the demon spiralled through me, tugging at my mind, my body, my soul.
Out! I cried. I instantly reacted, without much thought, and slipped my knife out of its sheath. With one swift movement, I sliced off the flesh of my leg that had bonded with his so long ago. Directly after, Shadow's reaction time being a hint too late for him, his hand had grasped my wrist tightly, his other hand prying my knife out of my clutch.
"What the fuck Cat?!" He growled through a low whisper.
"I'll explain later, not now!" I hissed under my breath.
The flesh that I had cut from my leg flailed, twitching in such a way that it wormed its way over to the demon. A twisted smirk formed on his face as the flesh latched onto him and formed into his being, his new body. He cooed, fangs slipped beyond his lips.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are. My little vessel that slipped away. I can smell you." He breathed in deeply.
I growled lowly, forcing my knife from Shadow, back into my hand; slowly showing myself, blood soaking the rim of my sock and shoe. Shadow watched, his expression slightly confused at first, until a sense of realization washed over him. He seemed to understand what had been going through my mind on the bike, with my flesh.
"You're the one they never found... you're his daughter." He slipped next to me, facing the creature.
"I guess so." I got in a fighting stance.
"Now isn't that nice," the demon scoffed, "Watch as the world burns." He called out, disappearing directly after.
"Where is he going?" Shadow asked me, believing I had the answers.
"I don't know. After I was touched I woke up at GUN. I don't know why, or how, but I did." I sighed. "Well... we really fucked this one up huh?"
Shadow checked the pulses of the humans, then took a few pictures with his multi-purpose communicator. He nodded in response and grabbed my hand. "We will fix it. Even if it means getting Faker and his friends involved, which I'm sure, by now, they already are." He reassured me, "Chaos Control!" We were back at GUN, in Abraham's office.
He peered up, "Hmm? Please tell me it went well."
Shadow shook his head and tossed his communicator in front of him. I tensed up, "The demon was unleashed. He is now roaming freely." I breathed out, not wanting to admit it.
He sighed, rubbing his hands into his face, his expression turning distraught. "What happened? How did my two best agents let this happen?" Dread was carried in each word.
"I ended up having badly timed flashbacks... I'm the child you couldn't find two years ago involving this same incident." I muttered.
"I couldn't get into the building due to a barrier I was not able to break. Before that I didn't want to risk running them off the road, just in case they got killed." Shadow grumbled.
For once, the Commander was speechless for a fair amount of time. When he did speak, all he said was, "You're really the daughter of him? He died a year ago." He thought for a moment, "Why are you not human now?"
I shrugged, "Just because I remember, it doesn't mean I have all the answers. Before I was born here, I was created on ARK, so explain that one to me." I muttered. "It's not important now. That creature is."
He nodded, "I know. I'll send out the troops." and he did just that.
"Come, let's go get your Faker." I grabbed onto Shadow's hand.
Despite the small growl of protest, he Chaos Controlled to his home. "Faker!" He yelled out, his tone immediately dark and deadly.
A blue streak zipped down the stairs, stopping in front of Shadow. "What's up Shadow?" He was in one of his signature poses. "Hmm? Hi, I'm Sonic, who are you?" Sonic stared at me.
"Cat. We are here because a demon was set free on the world. A powerful one." I jumped right to the point. Time was of the essence.
"A demon you say? Hey Tails!" He zipped off into another room of the house in which we could not here him from.
"I hate him." Shadow grumbled.
I kissed his cheek, "You're just gonna have to be a big boy and deal with it."
He glared at me in response. "I'm not a child." His voice was strict.
"If you say so." I toyed.
The whole gang showed up: Sonic, Tails, Amy, even Knuckles. "Where is this demon?" Knuckles asked, punching one of his fists into his opposite hand.
"We don't know." I replied. "If I were him though, I would be collecting as many human souls as I could to gain in strength and power, so his form becomes more in tune with ours."
"That's not good. We better hurry then!" Sonic dashed out the door, Amy chasing after him, calling for him to wait.
"I'll try to see if I can find anything." Tail pulled out a device and began using it.
"I'll watch over the Master Emerald and insure that he doesn't get his filthy hands on it." He took off out the door.
I grumbled, "Common Shadow." He nodded and left the building with me. We began the search for the creature.

Puzzle Pieces (Shadow The Hedgehog Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang