Chapter One

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    My pov~

    “I need to introduce you to someone after that last mission you accomplished. I am aware of your injury, but this individual and his group are going on your next mission with you. Don’t worry it’s an easy one. It is a mission that shouldn’t be compromised from that injury.” Abraham Towers spoke solidly.
    “I work alone. You know I’m solo.” I sighed, rubbing my shoulder from a bullet wound.
    “You have until now. I believe you will be surprised about this team. They are at the top, and I do not believe you have met any of them.” He disregarded simply.
    I growled under my breath, “Why do I have to be teamed up with some idiots. I’ve been doing everything perfectly on my own. It’s just one damn injury. Nothing will be compromised.” I urged.
    “My word is final. Don’t speak to your superiors like that. Now go train and rest up. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.” He ordered.
    With an insignificant sigh, I walked back to my permanent room in the base. I stretched and tested my shoulder out some, studying when and where I felt the most pain. Finally sitting on my bed, I began reminiscing as to how I got here, and perhaps, I should treat Abraham better.

    Two years ago:

    Opening my eyes I found a group of soldiers huddled around me in close proximity, asking one another questions. Slowly forcing myself into a sitting position, I continued to look at them, completely dumbfound, wondering why there were so many males. I held my head, quickly realizing that they were not friendly. Guns of many varieties were pointed all towards me, their silhouettes shimmering in the sun.
    “Who are you and how did you get in here?” An old man asked calmly.
    I looked down thinking. I reached for answers, for memories, nothing but blackness was there.
    “Answer.” He pushed fewer patients than before.
    “I… don’t know… I don’t remember…” I spoke quietly, nervously, and shyly.
    All the soldiers looked at one another before one from the crowd spoke out, “Well what are we to do Boss?”
    “Hmm… Well we are low on recruits…” The two eye coloured old man spoke.
    “But, Sir, she’s a hedgehog.” One of the soldiers pointed out.
    “Hedge…hog?” I looked at myself studying and comparing the differences between the soldiers and myself. I was a tan hedgehog with red patches on my quills, having a black strong outline encasing the red, and they were all human, mostly consisting of white skinned people.
    “We already have recruits like her. I don’t see the issue.” He brushed the soldier off and stood in front of me. He crouched down in front of me. “So you truly don’t remember anything? Not even your name?” He questioned.
    I closed my eyes thinking once more. “No… not really… My name… I think… maybe, it started with… a C sound…” I gripped my head getting a headache, as well as instantaneously being light headed.
    “One of you, pick her up and follow me.” He ordered. Many of the soldiers were very hesitant but one of them finally came forward and lifted me into his arms.
    I grabbed onto him, nervous of falling. I stared at the ‘boss’ as they both walked along into the base that had been approximately fifty yards away. I let my eyes drift closed and fell into deep slumber.

    I awoke to being warm and quite comfortable in a bed. Snuggling up more, I studied my surroundings. It was quite homey, except for the thick metal walls. It was quaint, filled with odd knick-knacks, and had no true colour scheme. Each piece of furniture had real wood in it somewhere, with old material over them. I slowly sat up and looked at the entrance, and exit, to the room. Wondering if I should investigate what was beyond the door, it suddenly opened. The old man, a soldier, and a doctor came through the door.
    “Well, the results say there isn’t anything wrong with her. She doesn’t have any injuries…” He mumbled then looked up at me, “Oh, she’s awake.” The doctor continued.
    “Good. We need to give you a name of some sort in stead of something with a “C” sound.” The boss of this place looked at me sternly.
 I looked down and thought once more, slowly began to grasp what I believed to be my name. “I… I think my name is Cathy…”
    “You think, or do you know.” His voice became sterner.
    “K-know…?” I tried to hide the hint of a question in my voice, and in my own belief.
    “Good. Now to your feet. Since we don’t have any files on you, this is now your new home, and where you will now work. You are under my command, unless I say other wise. Understand?” He stated, rather than asked.
    “But… I-” I began.
    “The decision has been made already. You start tomorrow after a good long rest.” He walked out, both the soldier and doctor following him, a bit hesitant and perhaps a bit stunned.

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