Chapter 1

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[Zayn's P.O.V] 

It's been years since Louis and I tied the knot, we've never been so happy and in love...

We spent our honeymoon in Paris, Louis booked as in a very expensive hotel and the first time we made love as a married couple was the best moment ever. Louis was very gentle, he would always tell how beautiful I am and how lucky he is, he always made me feel loved and special...

We had children of course...

Louis doesn't want to adopt so we went for the surgery thing, but once we went to the doctor, we discovered that I don't need one since I was born with female parts, which made Louis more excited and happy...

I remember the first time I told Louis I was pregnant with our first child...

Louis came home very late and exhausted from his concert, his hair was messy, his clothes really sweaty, he has some eye bags and he walks like a zombie, but as soon as I told him the news, all his energy came back. He won't stop kissing me and stroking my belly where our unborn child was, and the next thing I knew, we were on the bed making love...

When my stomach grew larger, Louis was very overprotective, like really....... VERY overprotective, he won't let me do my usual chores, he won't let me bend to pick up something I dropped, he won't make me do things alone like taking a bath and go on the stairs, he even hired 5 body guards to watch me 24/7! 

I can also remember the time I gave birth to our first child, it was 29th of August. Louis took me with him to his meet and greet, I was just standing with my 5 body guards, eating a bucket of spicy chicken, and 5 minutes later, I felt something very painful and my water broke, it didn't take long enough for them to realize that I was going to give birth... As soon as Louis' eyes landed on me, he began to panic... Paul, one of our body guards, announced that the meet and greet needs to be cancelled, leaving some few fans very disappointed and sad. Louis felt very guilty, and decided that he'll just meet me in the hospital later, and tried to finish it as soon as possible. I remember the very painful feeling trying to push our child out, I didn't take the drug because I know Louis would be so pissed with that. The labor was really painful and I was planning on killing Louis later after that, but all of them doesn't seem to matter when I heard his cry... Our baby's cry... He was taken by the doctor to clean and check him... Louis came in and sat beside me kissing my sweaty forehead. It didn't take too long when the nurse came in carrying our baby wrapped in a blue blanket... She gave me the baby and Louis and I stared at our little bundle of joy... We can't stop smiling at him while he kept on staring at us with curios hazel eyes...

Liam James Tomlinson was born...

Taking care of Liam wasn't as hard as we thought, he was really obedient and polite, there are a few times where he was really naughty but he's only a child and Louis spoils him, but that was taken care of. Liam was 4 when we told him he was going to have a baby brother/sister, he was very excited about it and kept on telling us how he'll be the best big brother ever. At my fifth month, we found out that the baby is a boy, which made Liam happier since he can now have someone to play with his cars and super heroes, he can finally have Robin while he's playing Batman.

It was 1st day of February when I gave birth to our second child. Louis and Liam were waiting patiently outside, it took several hours when the world finally saw him... Louis came in with Liam still wide awake, Louis and I can't stop smiling at Liam who is talking to his baby brother while the baby only stared at him with his emerald eyes.

Harry Edward Tomlinson was born...

Harry was a lot harder to take care of, he was really cheeky and full of energy, but he is a really sweet boy. He would always hug and kiss as whenever we came home and would always tell us about his day and the games he and Liam played. 

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