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Miku's POV:

Awkward silence had filled the air, as me and Luka stared at each other. Clearly she wasn't enjoying her time around me, and I was clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Lily had glanced from me to her, thinking of something to say.

"So Luka, the reason why I've brought you her-"

"Lily no bullshit." Luka had cut her off. The pinkette had glared down her friend, becoming more intimating. Christ, if she's like this when she's pissed then I'll never get on her bad side. Lily shrugged and slumped over the desk.

"I just want you to have more friends other than me and dickbag." She called Kaito by the nickname me and her came up with when we talked. I held back fits of giggles. Luka glared at me, while doing so.

"Don't laugh at my boyfriend, bitch." She hissed the last part, making it sting like venom.

"Sorry," rolling my eyes, giving her the cold shoulder. Luka had sighed, and realized her mistake, scratching the back of her neck.

"Look I'm sorry, its just my boyfriend doesnt like you for some reason and I shouldn't be talking to you." She apologized, meaning every word. Lily cocked an eyebrow, not expecting her to actually fess up and say she was wrong. Clearly her best friend wasn't feeling well.

"It's fine," I shrugged. This wouldn't be the first time I've been neglected. "I'm used to it. Not everyone can be in lala land, and happy with their world." Luka giggled.

"You know Miku, your alot better when I actually get to talk to you... Sober." She breathed the last part. I nodded, agreeing with her. Lily had a grin from ear to ear.

"Say, Luka give Miku your number. So you two can text and such without dummy Kaito in the way."

"Oh ok," Luka nodded, pulling out her phone from her pocket. Unlocking the screen, she slide the device over to me. "Type tour number in." I did what I was told, and even gave myself a little bit of fun with it. Saving the contact, I turned the phone back over to her. Her eyes scanned the information, a shy smile spread across her face. "Princess Leek?"

I smiled wide, and nodded. "It's a nickname."


Awkward silence filled the air again around us after her last comment. Luka quickly covered her flushed face, realizing she was letting something in her mind go wild without control. Lily was surprised, looking at Luka, then me. As for me, I was Turing a pinkish color. She called me cute, and it felt just right coming from her lips.

"Thank you." I squeaked. Lifting out of my chair, I walked around the table we sat at. Before leaving her, I turned to look back to see her looking at me. Her eyes soft, and unreadable. Shyly smiling, I gave her a wink, and left the library. I'm sure I left her in a daze, and Lily would be giving me high fives saying I was brilliant at flirting with her best friend.

Quickly I found the closet bathroom, piling my books onto the floor. My hands rested on the mirror, bangs casted over my eyes. Breathing hard, I realized I made the biggest jump in my life.

I was scared of everyone since my parents. They mistrusted me, lied, and abused me. And for what was the reason for all the behavior towards me like that? It was because the caught me kissing another girl. They weren't religious people, but it was a disappointment. For what they witnessed of my actions, I was beaten daily, given no freedom. They striped me of everything, and made me less than human. Once I had a chance of freedom, I took it. It's what lead me here, freedom.

I wasn't welcomed here with open arms, or family that would accept me. I was in my own. Living in a hotel room, I wanted to continue my education, and attended here. Working a slow job as a waitress, its what kept me going. It's a hard lifestyle, but it was my style.

With my leap towards getting the attention Miss. Megurine, I was making another mistake. I could easily end her popularity ranking that ment so much to her. As well getting my very own ass beat by her boyfriend. He clearly hated my guts, and was on to me being gay. Kaito was out for my blood, and I was becoming an easy target.

I don't know how I will every survive this battle of love.


Here's another lil chapter from me, author-san

Hope you all love what I'm doing with this fan fiction. I honestly love how I describe each character and how they act. C:

Also comment who else should show up in this battle of love heheheh.

Love you babes~

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