7. My Undoing

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So I know y'all probably hate me BUT I got into the college I want and I saw One Direction i concert! So all is well!

And the song on the side is so perfect for this book/chapter. Omg I'm in love!

Harry's POV

Phil disposed of the body while everyone else disappeared to who knows where. Travis and Fitz are no where to be seen, along with six other men. I pulled out my phone and dialled Claudia, checking in and making sure that she was okay. She didn't pick up and I walked out into the corridor, calling her again. 

After the second ring, I heard a familiar ringtone echo throughout the building and I was immediately angry. I told her to stay home damn it! I called her again, twice, three times before I stopped outside of a heavy steel door. Yep, her phone was definitely going off in there. 

I could hear Fitz shouting something in there, hopefully telling her off for sneaking into a dangerous place ALONE. I burst through the door and my anger vanished only to be replaced with sheer horror. She was slumped over onto Fitz, the only thing keeping her from collapsing on the cold cement floor were his hands on her face. 

She looked up at me. Her face was a horrofic sight. Her eye was black, her lip and nose busted, and bruises were appearing on her face. Her wrists were bloody from what appears to be rope burn. Bruises ran up her arms.

She smiled at me before her eyes started to droop shut. I threw myself forward and took her fromm Fitz's grasp. "What happened?!" I shout at him.

"Apparentely Travis found her and boud her to the chair and beat the shit out of her," Fitz said, skipping the minor details.

I felt my blood temperature rise and looked around for Travis, seeing him being restrained in the corner. I nodded at them to take him out of the room and they complied. I felt Claudia droop against me. Her head fell back and her breathing was shallow. Her arms hung limp at her sides.

"Take care of her while I go take care of Travis," I told Fitz. 

I laid her on the floor and strode quickly and angrily from the room. I walked right up to Travis and punched him square in the jaw. I just kept throwing punches left and right, wanting nothing more than to kill him. I was pulled off him, my rage never ceasing as I landed kicks to his gut.

"Don't you ever touch my girlfriend again you fucking worthless piece of shit! If you come near her, I will rip your fucking head off and eat it! Do you hear me you bastard?!" I was screaming and possibly foaming at the mouth.

"Dude, your girlfriend.." Phil whispered to me. It worked. I turned and rushed back in the room. 

Fitz looked up at me, sadness in his eyes. "She has three broken ribs from what I see, and um, I think he raped her." 

He looked away, not able to meet my gaze. That fucker named Travis is mine. And when I say mine, so fucked up he will be unidentifiable.

Claudia's POV

I'm strapped to a bed, not able to move. I'm bound down and I can't even wriggle my arms. The door bursts open and I can hear manic cackling coming from the black figure in the doorway. He walks over to me with great strides and yanks my underwear off. He undoes the button on his jeans and climbs over me. I can feel his bulge pressing into me and I cry, thrashing around, screaming out for Harry to help me. But no help comes. The unidentified man pulls his boxers off and ... "AHHHHHH!" I woke up screaming bloody murder.

I'm shaking uncontrollably. Harry stirs in the bed next to me and sits up, his face shrouded with worry. "What happened?" he asked. 

I cry even harder and Harry pulls me into him, embracing me with his large hands. He makes me feel safe. I look up and he's whispering comforting things in my ears. My ribs and face hurt and I know I probably look a mess. I look damaged and I wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

"Harry, what did Travis do to me?" I ask tentatively, feeling him tense up next to me.

"He beat you up really bad. He broke some of your ribs while you were knocked out. But I handled it. Don't worry," he said reassuringly.

"Is that all that happened?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and I sighed in relief. It could have been much worse if you know I mean. I got out of bed and sat on the couch in the living room, turning on the tv. I decided on watching The Client List. I nodded off and eventually falling into another uneasy sleep.


I awoke to the smell of coffee and stood up, stretching and then grimacing at the pain in my ribs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Harry sitting at the counter, looking oddly perturbed and sipping his coffee quietly. I grabbed a mug and fixed myself a cup before looking at him more closely. 

He looked like he got no sleep, dark bags taking residence under his eyes. I thought back to our conversation last night about how injured I was. When I asked him if anything else happened to me. He shook his head to vigorously, like he knew something I didn't. Then it clicked.

"Harry, are you alright?" I ask him coyly, trying to see if he'll spill.

He looked up at me with a disheartening look on my face. "I'm alright. Just tired and thinking about things."

He stood up about to strode away when I stopped him. "Harry, did anything else happen to me yesterday? Tell me the truth."

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and his frown turned into a grimace. Oh no. Travis didn't.. he couldn't have... he raped me. I grasped the counter to keep me from toppling to the floor. My breaths were uneven and I started bawling my eyes out. He took what wasmost precious to me. The most valuble thing that I had. 

I felt Harry wrap his arms around my torso and kiss the back of my neck. 

"I'm so sorry kitten. I should have told you. He's gone now. I took care of him. I am still just as infatuated with you as when I first met you. You are so beautiful and you are strong. You are my undoing Claudia. You'll be the death of me," he said with so much sincerity in his voice. He kissed away the tears that were slipping down my face, then he kissed me so passionately, I swear I saw Jesus.

No Harry, you will be my undoing.

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