4: Naked Revelations.

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Claudia's POV

I woke up to the wonderful scent of pancakes and bacon. I sat up and stretched lazily, extending my arms above my head. I looked around and realized I wasn't in my room, but I was indeed in Harry's. The events of last night replayed in my head. How the guys in that gang beat me up. They were dicks. I don't even know why they attacked me, or how Harry even knew where to find me. I'm just glad he rescued me before they could do anything worse to me.

I threw the duvet off of me and walked out of the room, searching for the kitchen. I turned the corner and saw Harry, his back turned towards me, cooking on the stove. I leaned against the threshold and stood there watching him, a smirk prancing upon my face.

"I didn't know Mr. Gangbang was into the culinary arts," I announced with a light laugh.

He chuckled and turned around, two plates in his hand. He set them down on the table, sitting down across from me and eating what he put on his plate. Light conversation flowed between us easily.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked innocently, a smirk growing on my face once more.

"Why yes I did. My pillow has never felt that soft and warm before," he answered cheekily, smling himself.

I let out a light laugh remembering what happened. I woke up after a bad dream and I saw Harry's face snuggled into my chest. Normally I would have pushed someone away, but he looked so peaceful and cute. I found it quite amusing, until I remembered the reason I had woken up.

I chewed my food slowly, thoughtfully thinking about how I was going to ask him. "Harry? What is your position in the gang? Like what are you to them?"

He sighed and looked up at me, his expression emotionless and his emerald eyes just as deep and dark. I sat back uneasily, afraid of his answer. He inhaled deeply before giving me the answer I've been fearing. "I'm the leader of it. The guys in the group have to listen to me and submit to my authority. Some of the men didn't want to jump Benji, but I made them."

"And is Benji the guy you killed the other day?" I asked quietly.

He just nodded and I looked down at my hands, finding my old nail polish fascinating. I stood up abruptly and walked out, seeing Harry's horrified expression following my movements. "Claudia wait! Just let me explain!" He shouted from the kitchen threshold. I went into the bedroom and curled up on the bed. It was true. He had killed someone. Probably more than one.

I felt the bed dip down and felt his long arms wrap around me, pulling me into him. "I don't enjoy killing people. Sometimes it's necessary. And you know I wouldn't intentionally hurt you," he spoke softly into my hair.

I rolled over and looked at him. "Will you get out of it all? For me? Please?" I said quietly, looking into his eyes.

"I can't promise I can, but I'll try to get out for you. But it's a risky thing."

I gave him a soft kiss on his lips, grateful that he was going to try. He rolled over on top of me and kissed me more passionately than I had him. His tongue begged for entry, which I reluctantly gave him. He moaned deep into the kiss when his phone started vibrating against my thigh. I giggled slightly, breaking the kiss so he could answer it.

"I need a shower," I mouthed to him. He smiled and pointed to a wooden door adjacent the bed and I opened it. It was his walk in closet. There was a door on the right hand wall which I presumed was the bathroom. I walked in and grabbed a towel, turning the faucet to hot and stripping down.

I stepped in the shower and instantly relaxed when the hot water hit my pores. I needed this. I felt gross after last night. I was stood there thinking it over when the shower curtain was ripped back. I let out a squeal and covered my goods from Harry's roving eyes.

"Harry!" I screamed at him, while he smiled big, his hand gripping the shower curtain.

"We're going out, just wanting to let you know," he told me, his smirk getting wider by the second. With that, he dropped the curtain and walked away.

"You're an ass Harold!" I scolded him, earning myself a laugh from the perv himself. I turned off the taps and pulled the curtains back, the cold air nipping at my exposed wet skin. I looked around, trying to find the towel I know I had laid out. The only clothing of mine on the countertop was my bra. Harry. He is so dead.

I hauled ass out of the shower, grabbing my bra and peering out the door to make sure his closet was empty. I peep-toed into the closet, finding a pair of his boxers in one of the dresser drawers. I pulled them on and I was just about to put my bra on, when the door opened. I spun around away from the door, rotating my head to see Harry grinning smugly at me. He wasn't going to leave, I knew that for a fact, so I clipped my bra on and turned to face him. I smacked him in the stomach and the shoulder.

He just laughed so I knew he knew why I hit him.

Harry's POV

She had a nice body. I couldn't help but smile at her in the shower. Her face just remained shocked. "We're going out, just wanting to let you know." Then I dropped the curtain and turned around.

I saw her clothes and towel laying on the counter. I grabbed them and ran. Shit! I forgot the bra! Oh well, I can't double back now. "You're an ass Harold!" She shouted at me, which made me laugh.

I threw her clothes in the wash so she'd have clean clothes when we went out and I sat back on my bed. I heard the shower cut off and the bathroom door open. I grinned and tiptoed to the door. I flung it open and almost laughed. She was looking at me, her eyebrows raised. She was looking mighty fine in my boxers. She sighed and clipped on her bra. Major turn on might I add. She turned around and hit me, twice.

I laughed, knowing exactly why she hit me. She threw on my red hoodie and walked into the living room. I followed her, then I tackled her onto the couch, tickling her.

She was gasping for breath when I was through, tears streaming down her face. I was laughing as well, it was quite a funny sight. I smiled and took her hand, finally realizing I was truly falling for her.

It's been forever! I'm sorry :( But this is a filler. Big things will happen in the next chappie!


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