Gemma's eyes started at my face, wandered down, and then met my eyes again.

"Wow." She said.

I smiled and did a spin.

"I guess I'll be watching Abel tonight." She said as she crossed the room.

I raised my eyebrow and tilted my head.

"Why?" I asked her.

She lit a cigarette.

"Because Jax isn't going to be able to keep his hands off of you." She said with a smirk.

I laughed and felt myself flush. Gemma chuckled and picked Abel up, who was crawling around the living room. I pulled on my boots and we left to pick up Jax.

As we pulled up to the hospital, I started to feel anxious. Jax was coming home. I missed him so much, but since everything happened we really haven't had a chance to talk. I pushed those thought back and focused on bringing him home. Gemma parked the car and behind us, I heard the roar of motorcycles. The club had come to bring him home too. I guess it's not every day the Vice President comes home from the hospital. When I stepped out of the car, I had all eyes on me. I blushed, suddenly embarrassed of what I was wearing. Gemma stomped out her cigarette and looked at me.

"Don't be shy, baby. You look good." She said.

She was right. I did look good. I smiled at her and opened the back door to get Jax's things. I could feel their eyes on my ass as I bent over. I chuckled and flung the cut over my shoulder.

"Let's go get him." I said.

The guys cheered and we marched into the hospital. Gemma and I led the way. Our heels clicked in perfect unison as we walked. The guys waited in the waiting room as we went to see Jax. When we walked passed his window, I could see he was anxious to leave. He was sitting up in bed, literally twiddling his thumbs. Gemma nodded to me and I walked through the open door.

"Ready to break out of here?" I asked him.

Jax's mouth fell open as he looked me up and down. If he still had been hooked up to the heart monitor, I'm sure I would've heard it skip beats. I walked further in the room and handed him the bag.

"Come on, get dressed." I said with a smile.

"Damn," He said under his breath.

He got to his feet and unzipped the bag. He took out the clothes and went into the small bathroom to change. A few minutes later, he stepped out without a shirt on. For the first time I saw the real extent of his injuries. His right side was still black and blue and the thick, white gauze was taped on his chest near his collarbone.

"Can you help me with the shirt?" He asked, the shirt in his hands.

It must of hurt to take his other shirt off. I nodded and crossed the room to meet him. He handed me the shirt and I carefully started to put it over his head and shoulders. He winced a few times, but didn't say much.

"You look amazing, McKayla." He said softly.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you."

He smiled back and put his arms around me. I gently put mine around him, not wanting to hurt him.

"Oh! I almost forgot." I said, pulling away.

He looked at me confused as I went back to the chair by the bed.

"I promised that I would help you put it on." I said.

In my hands was his cut. I could see the relief in his eyes when he saw it. It was such a big part of him. It wasn't just a piece of leather, it was his life. Jax turned around and I eased the cut up his arms and onto his shoulders. He pulled the front to adjust it and faced me. His hands cupped my face and he kissed me. It was hard, and longing.

On the Devil's Path {a SOA sequel}Where stories live. Discover now