"I think so," Dyosa agreed. "She hates it when we go after Harvey. Not a bit interested in following him. Hay, nako. May bebe na kasi."

"We shouldn't be sad about that. It's time to look for our own bebe," I told them.

Their eyes shone like it a bright diamond. They both the idea I presented. It would be fun to them to look at the boys especially at the Engineering and Marine Department. We had to pass by their buildings to get to the cafeteria.


I called Angel while we were on our way to the cafeteria. She confirmed that she was eating here with Joshua. The moment we entered the caf, we looked for Angel. We found her sitting at the table with Joshua, they were both eating. Three seats were reserved for us next to them.

"They make a great pair," Dyosa couldn't help but admire the view.

"I know. They were both lucky to have each other," I said.

Diwata was thinking out loud. "I wanted to have a Joshua in my life, too."

I could only say good things about Joshua. He was kind and nice to Angelo; he was almost like Simon. Angel admitted to have feelings for Joshua. She said he was doing his best to prove his serious intentions for her.

Diwata and Dyosa jokingly told Angel that they would be doing everything to get Joshua from her if she would not say yes to him.

"I will just wait for Simon baby to notice me," said Diwata.

"Diwata, Mara will surely get back. You will not stand a chance against her with Simon," I explained.

I knew Mara had plans to return here after getting her college degree abroad. She hadn't informed me yet if there were changes in her original plan. Simon was waiting for her; we were all aware of that. We just hoped that those two will end up together. Their story hadn't started yet if we were to talk about the real one.

I hadn't had the chance to tell Mara that there were two guys who were fighting over her beloved Simon. She seemed busy these past days and the different time zone was killing us.

We decided to approach Angel and Joshua than just stare at them.

"Hey, love birds. Ano na ang kaganapan?" Dyosa asked them when he got into a seat.

"Les, Joshua was saying something," Angel said looking at the original Garcia.

It was not a secret to him that I liked Harvey. He said there was nothing wrong if I liked someone, and that Harvey was a nice guy.

"What is it, Joshua baby? You need to say it first to us before getting the words to Leslie," Diwata interrupted him.

Joshua didn't feel less man when he was with Diwata and Dyosa. He was actually having fun talking to them. It was indeed full of fun when those two were sharing stuff about the guys they liked.

"It's just that Harvey and I are classmates this semester," he said as casually as it sounded.

The joy of hearing Harvey's name was sending ruptures into my heart. I probed Joshua a lot of questions when I learned that he would be seeing Harvey this semester a lot of times.

"Are you serious, Joshua? Have you talked to him? Seatmates ba kayo? Did he share something personal to you?"

Joshua responded to each of my questions. "We aren't seatmates. Pero tinanong niya kanina 'yong next schedule namin for today."

"Ano oras?"

"Two to five," he said.

I frowned. "I have class to attend to that same time."

"That's a sign, Les," Diwata blurted out.

"A sign?" I asked.

"A sign that you need to stop being head over heels with him. It's time to move on. Mga bakla, maraming isda sa ocean. We can hook you up with someone if you like," he explained.

"I agree with Diwata," Angel said.

"I second the motion, Mrs. Garcia," Dyosa supported her.

"Guys, it's not a bad thing if I like Harvey. In fact, he serves as my inspiration in everything," I confessed.

It was true. I hadn't had a failing grade even if I kept on checking all his social media accounts while studying. Liking Harvey was good advantage. It wasn't that sad though the feelings were not reciprocated.

"He has a girlfriend, right?" Joshua asked.

"How did you know?"

"I overheard his conversation with a classmate. There was a girl who asked him straight in the face if he would like to go out with him," said Joshua.

Diwata and Dyosa exclaimed when they heard this.

"But Harvey didn't accept the invitation. He said he has a girlfriend and he doesn't want to cause trouble to their relationship."

I was not happy with the news.

"Let's eat and forget about every guy named Harvey," said Dyosa. "Kunin ko order mo. What do you want to eat?" he asked me.

"Ayaw ko pa mag move on," I told them.

"You need to. You have to. Basta kailangan mo, sister," Diwata encouraged me.

They took our orders and we ate without talking about Harvey and his girlfriend.

Why did I ever like a guy whose heart was already owned by someone? The feeling of having a one-sided affection wasn't easy to handle. I couldn't believe that being single could be heart wrenching too without experiencing a heart break and failed relationship.


Mr. Know it All [EDITING]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon