Air. What is air. 

We broke away from each other just long enough to get settled on the picnic mat together, and Noah instantly leaned over to hold up the DVD cases for my choosing. 

"Tonight's your night, pick whatever you like." He instructed me, and I almost laughed at how adorable this was. I mean, he had The Notebook, the Vow, Love Actually and a bunch of other romance movies that I knew he would deny having watched if I ever told JC. 

"No, it's our night." I corrected, pushing the romance DVDs onto the floor gently and picking up Fight Club instead. It was Noah's all-time favorite movie and I wanted him to enjoy tonight as much as I would. I popped open the DVD case and frowned when the disc wasn't inside, holding it up for Noah's inspection. Noah's eyebrows furrowed and he opened up The Vow only to find that that disc too was gone. He opened all of the DVD cases and each was empty. 

"Some fucker stole my DVDs!" He growled, and I bit back a laugh. 

"Well was anyone watching your stuff while you drove me here?" I asked dubiously, and Noah groaned. 


"Well then what did you expect to happen?" I could barely control my laughter now, and my eyes teared up as I giggled. In times like these you just had to see the funny side of things. Noah, apparently, disagreed. 

"I left my laptop here too though. Who steals a bunch of fucking girly DVDs and leaves the laptop?" He asked with disgust, forcing me into another round of hysterics. Noah pouted as I tried to calm myself down and stop the giggles, and eventually I rested my hand over Noah's, a smile still visible on my lips. 

"It's okay; it's the thought that counts." I reasoned, scooting myself a little closer towards him. "Besides," my fingers crept up his chest, "I can think of other ways to pass the time." I teased, and Noah's eyes widened to the size of saucers. That wiped the pout from his face. 

"Oh yeah?" He murmured, his gaze wandering lustfully to my mouth. I bit my lip and nodded. 

"Mhmm... maybe something like... food?" I asked cheerfully, diving over to the plate of food and popping a grape in my mouth. Noah groaned and rolled his eyes, planting a kiss on my forehead. 

"You're evil." He muttered. 

I grinned. "I know." 

We ate and laughed for an hour or so, and it was only when I was beginning to clear up our plates that I noticed a small white envelope buried beneath the picnic blankets. 

"Hey, what's this?" I asked curiously as Noah pulled the envelope towards him. 

"Actually, it's an acceptance letter. I got accepted into Temple University. The Temples are ranked 24th and the scout liked what he saw enough to offer me a place." Noah informed me with smile and somehow, my grin grew even wider. 

"What? That's incredible! I'm so proud of you Noah." I congratulated him, and it was true, I was proud of him. He'd had a tough go of it the last few months; what with Charles and Amara getting a divorce and Sabrina trying to kiss his ass every ten seconds as well as applying to colleges, he was doing a pretty darn good job if you asked me. 

"Wanna know the best part?" He asked, biting his lip and his signature smirk came out to play. 

I nodded. 

"Temple University is only fifty three minutes away from Princeton." 

I frowned jokingly. "Dammit, and here I thought I was finally going to be rid of you." 

Noah rolled his eyes and pulled me into his arms, staring at me with those gorgeous chocolate eyes that made tingles run down my spine. "Oh did you now?" He murmured, and I nodded with a sigh. 

"Yep. Looks like I just can't escape you, can I?" 

"Nope you're stuck with me for good, it seems." 

I smiled. "I guess I can live with that." 

Noah's smirk grew deeper as he brushed a strand a hair away from my face. "I know you can, because you love me really." 

Couldn't argue with that. 


Well that is the end of Noah and Issy's story, my friends. Thank you for being such wonderful readers, I love each and every one of you and here, have a cookie. 

Thank you again for everything. 

I'm out!

Meg x

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