Ch. 13

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Alright guys, sorry for the long wait! Here is a pic of me and my friend as Toy Bonnie and Toy Freddy. I also did a few toy Freddy that I love with my toy Chica! Anyway, Update time!

Vincent, Mike, and Jeremy all arrived at the old and creepy warehouse. Just as Vincent had stated in the car, there was a small light on, barely visible form the front. The three boys hid the car with branches and leaves, so if Vincey where to look outside, he wouldn't know that his twin was present. Vincent had devised a plan for Mike and Jeremy. Mike would go to the back of the ware house with Jeremy (because Jeremy was scared), and Vincent would go through the small hole on the side that they used when they were kids. Vincent put his knife into his pocket, holding it tight in his grasp.

"If anything happens, thank you both for being my friends."

Mike and Jeremy nod, Jeremy smiling a bit, and the two start up the plan. They head for the back of the building, and Vincent goes to the side.

You are still tied down, and not even having enough space to wiggle. You sigh shakily, scared of what'll happen. After Vincey told his small story, he had left the room to retrieve something special. The room is dark, eerie with the cold stale air. There are small windows on the very top of the place. It seems like an old worn down warehouse. There are a few boxes here and there, the floor dirty with dust, nails, and other various things. You hear a metal door creak open, and a figure slipping in. The shadow looks similar to Vincey, and you start to tremble, becoming scared of what'll happen, now that he is back in the room.

"G-go away Vincey..."

"Vincey? (Y/N) it's me!"

You look closer at the shadow, squinting a bit, and you sigh, relieved that Vincent came to save you. He pulls his knife out, and cuts the rope that was tight around your skin. You wrap your arms tight around Vincent, and he hugs back, tight. 

"Are you hurt in any way (Y/N)?"

There is worry in his voice, and you shake your head to assure him that you alright, and you can feel his muscles relax with relief.

"Let's go, we need to leave before Vi-"

"Before I come back? So rude! I thought you'd want to see your twin!" Vincey interrupts.

Vincent cautiously puts you behind him, protecting you from Vincey, or at least with what he can. You stay behind Vincent, a little scared and intimidated by Vincey. 

"Vincey, leave me and my friends alone, and I will leave you alone. No one needs to get hurt."

Vincey only chuckles, and it echoes throughout the room, a menacing and evil laugh, that sends chills down your back. He draws his knife in one swift movement, and gets into a stance, a stance that obviously means he's ready to attack. Vincent does the same, but it you can remember correctly from Vincey's little 'bedtime' story, Vincent is better with a knife then Vincey. Vincent glances at you.

"I'll distract him, go find Jeremy and Mike." he whispers quietly, more like muttered. Vincey obviously didn't hear, and so, he charged at Vincent. You had no choice but to do as Vincent said, and you ran off, leaving Vincent to his own devices to look for your other two friends. You hear clanging of metal and muttered voices behind you as you run. You call out for Mike and Jeremy, and then you hear someone down the hall, and you freeze. At the end of the hall, is the other guy that Vincey had, his companion. His companion raised something he was holding, and immediately you realized what it was. You drop down to the floor, hiding behind boxes as loud bangs go out. He has a gun, and he's shooting at you. You cover your ears, and duck your head down, between your legs. The gunshots suddenly stop, and you cautiously peer over the top, and see Mike, holding a lead pipe.

"M-Mike! That could've killed him!"

"Ah, calm down Jer. He's only unconscious."

You stand, and Mike and Jeremy both look in your direction, and smile softly.

"About time we found you." Mike stated. 

You quickly head over to them, still worried about Vincent. Jeremy, being the shy and observative type, notices your distress, and he tilts his head. 

"Where is Vincent?"

"....He is in a knife fight with Vincey...We have to help him!"

Jeremy becomes a little uneasy and uncomfortable with the idea, but Mike has a wide grin appear on his face and he nods, enthusiastic. 

"I like that idea, maybe I can hit him upside the head with this here pipe!"

Jeremy actually chuckles a bit, and nods, agreeing to come with. The three of you retrace your path, and as you get closer to the room with the fight, you hear a deep and dark chuckle. You start running, racing over to the entrance of the room, and your eyes widen. Vincent is leaning against the wall, and he's holding his side....

-While you were looking for Mike and Jeremy-

Vincent and Vincey's fight get intense, and Vincey is biting his lower lip. Vincent isn't breaking a sweat as he is skillfully attacking his younger twin. Vincey growls, gritting his teeth together as he is losing. 

"I hate losing! Especially to some idiot like you!" he spats out at Vincent. 

"Vincey! I'm not the psychopath that kidnapped someone! I'm not an idiot!"

"Yes you are! You didn't believe me when I told you about Mr. Thomas!"

"Because I had a plan you didn't listen to!"

In that split moment, Vincey was able to find an opening, and quickly went for it, sinking his knife deep into Vincent's side, and Vincent froze, realization hitting him like a freight train. His knife clatters to the floor, and he falls to his knees, holding his side. 

Vincey chuckles evilly, "None of that matters now, I finally get my revenge!"

Vincent manages to prop himself on his elbow, but Vincey is standing over him, an evil grin present and his eyesight getting blurry. He does see (Y/N) and smiles softly, 

 Please stay safe (Y/N).....I love you.....


A long overdue chapter! I am so sorry for not updating sooner! Anyway, I am saying we are reaching the end of the book, maybe two more chapters? I will post pictures of my cosplays in the next to as well. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! And please, leave a comment about the next reader insert you'd like me to write. Thanks!


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