Ch. 6

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You stand still, staring at him as he tells you this.
"I-is this true?"
Vincent nods, looking serious.
"(Y/N) you are in danger. I am not lying to you."
You nods slowly, still taking this in, and a bit confused. You have never done anything in your life to get someone to come after you. You look up at Vincent.
"....Who would want to hurt me?"
Vincent, "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you right now.....I promise I'll tell you when it matters."
You nod a bit and hug him tight. Vincent hugs back, rubbing your back a bit.
"I'll protect you (Y/N), I promise."
You nod, and eventually let go of him. He smiles at you and you smile back. The two of you leave the bathroom and go downstairs to make dinner.
"So, what do you want tonight Vincent?"
Vincent shrugs, "anything is fine with me, I don't really mind."
You nod and pull out some frozen Mac N Cheese and turn on the oven to warm up.
"Do you by any chance have toast?"
You look over at Vincent who is holding a toaster close to his chest. You walk to the pantry and toss him a loaf of bread.
"Here you are Vincent."
He smiles and puts two pieces in and waits, staring at the toaster. You tilt your head to the side, a bit confused at how he's looking at it.
"I love my toast~"
You giggle a bit and put the Mac N Cheese in the oven when it dings. You go into the living room and hear Vincent sing a song about toast. You try to contain you laughter but can't, and your laugh echoes throughout the house. Vincent stops.
"(Y/N) Don't laugh at me!!"
You laugh a little bit and stop, "alright, alright."
You sit on the couch and watch TV for awhile, eating Mac N cheese while Vincent eats his toast. You lazily get up to do the dishes as Vincent goes upstairs to your room. You keep the water running as you look out the window, thinking about who would even be after you and why. You turn the water off, dry your hands, and head upstairs to bed. Vincent is already asleep on the air mattress. You smiles, and then curl up to sleep. Late that night, you hear a window shatter, and Vincent is gone.
Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for the long waited chapter! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!

Purple guy x Reader (FNAF x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن