Ch. 10

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You and Vincent cuddle on the couch and watch TV. It's been 3 months since the guy had been breaking into your house. He seemed to have disappeared, but you knew he was out there somewhere. Vincent and you have been in a relationship for awhile, and you look up at him.
"Hey Vincent? When can we go on a date?"
Vincent looks down into your (e/c) eyes, "Whenever you want to lovely~"
You smile happily, and wrap her arms around his arm, "Can we go now?"
Vincent nods, and the two of you get up from the couch, and grab jackets, putting them on. You walk out of the house and into the cold December air, locking up the house before leaving with Vincent. You two drive into town, and you look at the Movie theatre to see what movies are playing. Vincent sees you looking and parks a bit away from the theatre so he doesn't have to pay for parking. You hold his hand and walk to the theatre. When you get to the ticket window, Vincent buys two tickets for (Whatever movie you want) and leads you inside.
"I'll get popcorn, you go find us two seats inside alright?"
You nod and go into theatre 2, and find two seats, sitting down. Vincent comes back a bit later with two drinks and a big thing of popcorn. After the advertisements and previews, the movie starts and snuggle up against Vincent.
~After the Movie~
You and Vincent leave the theatre after talking and laughing at the movie you just saw.
"So, what else do you want to do (y/n)?"
You shrug and think, "Well....I'm kinda maybe we can just head home?"
Vincent takes you to the car and drives you home. You look out the window, looking at the lights of buildings and the faint glow of stars. You slowly drift to sleep, dreaming of Vincent.
Hey everyone! So sorry for the super late update!
Anyway, here's another chapter for all of you! Enjoy!

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