"I guess you're right Naruto..." Sakura sighed as Hinata gave her friend another comforting hug.

"We WILL find Daisuke Sakura! I promise you that!" Naruto grinned as he opened more documents that contained reports on leads about Daisuke...


"Suigetsu." Daisuke spoke as they were watching the campfire that consisted of the burning bodies of the gangsters.

"Hmm?" Suigetsu asked as he tried his best not to tremble when the Uchiha spoke to him.

"Do you think I'm strong enough?" Daisuke asked as he stared hard into the fire.

Suigetsu flinched.

"What the hell? Is this a trick question?!?" Suigetsu cursed in his mind.

"Well?" Daisuke pressed again as he stared hard at the white haired ninja.

There was a roar behind them and Sora tumbled out from the bushes.

"Sora, you need to learn to be less clumsy." Daisuke said sarcastically to the huge sabre toothed cat.

The kitten that he adopted eventually grew into a strong sabre toothed feline. It also grew out of its pacifier when Daisuke was around 10 years old...

Daisuke finally found out Sora's element which is fire. The Uchiha thought it went great with him since his favourite jutsu and element is fire too...

Sora just meowed loudly and nuzzled Daisuke as she sat beside the boy.

That's the nearest form of affection that Daisuke allowed anyone or anything to do to him...

"You have yet to answer me." Daisuke said in a deep voice as he turned to face Suigetsu again.

"Erm... You're strong already?" Suigetsu croaked as Daisuke narrowed his eyes.

"Strong enough?"

"Uhm... Err... Yea strong enough..."

"So when will you do it?"


"Suigetsu, have you forgotten? You told me you're gonna let me take on the 8 tailed Jinchuuriki, show me the swords and let me learn a new jutsu that Sasuke has learnt from Orochimaru!" Daisuke snapped.

Suigetsu's eyes widened as he remembered.

"Oh that yea! But..." Suigetsu was cut off by Daisuke.

"But what?!? I thought you said I was strong enough?!?" he growled.

Suigetsu flailed his arms in front of himself.

"Don't-don't-don't get me wrong Daisuke!" Suigetsu said in panic for fear of getting his head severed by Daisuke. "You are strong enough but we're talking about the 8 tailed Jinchuuriki here!"

"You told me before Sasuke has fought him. How old was he then?" Daisuke asked, refusing to call Sasuke his father anymore...

"Erm... Your age?" Suigetsu squeaked as Daisuke glared at him.

"So what makes you think I can't take on the 8 tail Jinchuuriki?!?" he whispered hoarsely.

"But Sasuke almost died when he was fighting the 8 tailed Jinchuuriki! Back then we had Jugo, he was our strength fighter, I'm the agility of the group, Sasuke was both strength and agility and Karin was the healer. Now we're short of a strength fighter to hold back the 8 tailed beast and its vessel!" Suigetsu protested.

"I'll manage just fine. We don't exactly have to kill him, just take the sword and go. Tomorrow we'll go to where the Jinchuuriki resides. Where does he live?" Daisuke asked.

"Err... Kumogakure..." Suigetsu gave in and answered the man before him.

Once Daisuke has set his target on something, he's much more stubborn than Sasuke and won't ever waver and change his mind...


Naruto's P.O.V.:

I can't stand seeing Sasuke like this...

"Sasuke..." I said as I leaned forward on the table that we're both seated at. "Sakura agreed to let you out since I negotiated with her..."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"Is this some kind of trick? I thought no negotiations were allowed?" he asked.

I sighed.

"I... I'm taking back my words Sasuke... I also can't stand seeing Sakura like this... Everyday she cries over the loss of Daisuke... You're the only Uchiha who can track him since Sarada doesn't have the sharingan..."

"She... She still cries up till this day?" Sasuke whispered and I nodded my head.

"Yes... She really misses Daisuke... Sarada has been taking care of her more and more... She's losing weight, constantly falling sick... The only reason she hasn't collapsed yet because she uses her medicinal jutsus to recover herself. But it's gonna take a toll on her in the long run if she runs out of reserve chakra Sasuke..." I told him softly.

Sasuke gritted his teeth and sighed.

"I'm sure Sakura won't let me walk out free easily. What are her conditions?" Sasuke asked grimly.

I swallowed my saliva as I took a deep breath.

"If you do find Daisuke, she wants a divorce." I voiced out.

Sasuke banged his cuffed hands on the table in disbelief.

"Are you out of your mind?!?" he yelled as he neared his face to mine. "I'm not going to divorce Sakura!! Not when she needs me badly!! She may say otherwise but I know her better Naruto!!!"

"Sasuke! I know how you feel but you have to calm down! This is Sakura's request!! I can't anyhow change her terms and conditions can I?!?" I yelled back and Sasuke closed his eyes as his jaw clenched.

When he opened them, he activated his sharingan.

"I'm gonna find my son. But when I do, I won't divorce Sakura..." he said quietly and I narrowed my eyes.

"Sasuke! Sakura will punch the living day lights out of me if I release you and you don't keep to your promise!!" I growled and Sasuke's red eyes bored into my blue ones.

"I WILL make her change her mind once I find Daisuke... Trust me on this..." he said in a hushed whisper...

What should I do???

I weighed my options and after an eternal silence, I gave in...

"Fine." I sighed, looking up at him. "You better keep your word you loser." I called him by his usual nickname from me and for once in 11 years, Sasuke gave me a genuine smile.

(Loneliness ends)

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