The cat decided it was time to bite into the fish so it took out its pacifier and gave it to Daisuke to hold.

For Daisuke, this was a normal routine so he took it and placed it on his lap before talking again.

"Do you think Ne chan really wants to make it up to me? I haven't been that friendly to her ever since her confession but she's trying hard to spend more time with me..." Daisuke continued as he turned to look at Sora munching on her fish.

"Hey! I never knew you were teething! You have 2 big front canines huh?" he commented as he noticed Sora's canines that were far apart from each other. The middle part was filled with a row of smaller canines...

Sora's eyes smiled as it nodded its head.

"Well that means you're growing up to be a strong kitty!" Daisuke exclaimed excitedly.

(Companions ends)

(Strangeness begins)

But their conversation tonight was cut short by another voice...

"I think it's time we talked to you. We've been watching you this whole while..." a white haired guy with a huge sword and a red haired girl with red spectacles stepped out from the woods...


"Where is Daisuke???" Sakura asked Sarada, who was doing her homework in her room.

"He's not back yet?" Sarada asked worriedly as she looked at her room clock. "It's almost dinner time!"

"Your papa is going to be back at exactly dinner time and I need to prepare dinner. Could you..." Sakura began but Sarada immediately closed her book and stood up.

"Don't worry mama, I'll look for him!" she said as she wore her jacket and ran downstairs...


"W-w-wh-w-what???" Daisuke stuttered as he hugged Sora, which had a pacifier back in its mouth. "You're lying!" Daisuke then shouted out at the two newcomers before him.

"Why ever did you think Sarada hates you that much?" the red haired girl who introduced herself as Karin, sneered. "She's not your sister! She's my daughter!"

Daisuke shook his head.

There's no way his papa, his hero, would cheat on his mama right???

"No! My mama was pregnant with Sarada! How can Sarada resides in my mama's womb and yours at the same time! That doesn't even make any sense!!" Daisuke yelled out.

Karin raised a perfectly arched eyebrow as she smirked at the young Uchiha.

"Your mother ever fell down a cliff and went into a coma for 9 months. At the same time, I was pregnant with Sarada! When I gave birth, nice timing your mother woke up and your father wanted to break up with me and asked to take custody of Sarada. I must admit I am a sucker for your father so I said yes... And that's how Sarada got into your life..." Karin sneered as Daisuke gasped.

"I hate to admit it since I've always got a crush on Karin here..." Suigetsu flirted as he winked at the girl, making her roll her eyes. "But Sarada is hers and Sasuke's child."

Daisuke's lips trembled as Sora frowned at the two strangers.

"That's just words from your mouth! How do I know any of it is real?!?"

"Well, for starters. Doesn't Sarada look like me?" Karin smirked and Daisuke thought hard as his eyes widened slowly.

"And we have the same specs. Call it intuition or coincidence but it make her look all the more like me..." Karin continued. "And lastly, she can't activate her sharingans right? Why did you think so?"

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