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Luka's POV:

Chugging another can of beer, a few drops had slipped down my chin. Using the back of my hand, I wiped away the buring alcohol. A hand grabbed me roughly, Turing me to focus on a pair of icy blue eyes.

"Luka," her voice was slurred. "I'm heading out," Lily finally managed to say. I nodded, showing I heard her.

"Want a ride?" She pointed over her shoulder to her boyfriend, Gumo. Who had his younger sister beside him, Gumi, the young freshman was scared shitless of the party.

"Na," shook my head, pink hair bobbing as I spoke. Lily shrugged, and stumbled over to her boyfriend. He was sober, since he didn't want to wreck the car with his girl and sister inside. Gumo actually thought things through, more than me.

Taking another sip of the buring alcohol, I stumble down a hallway towards a empty bedroom. A smaller figure had follow led me, I didn't care for the fool since I was too drunk to care. Finally I chugged the last bit that was in the can, falling backwards onto the bed. The figure had squeaked, witnessing me fall.

"Are you alright?" Asked the voice. I giggled, and reached up for their wrist. Tonight I was having my fun. Tugging hard, I pulled the small person onto me. They were squriming with nervousness, so I flipped us. I was on top.

"Are you having fun at this party?" My breath hit their face. The tiny head shook, agreeing with me. They were blurry, but I could tell they were smaller than me. Though they had eyes that sparkled in the night. Shit, I had a thing for blue eyes. Without thinking I clashed me lips into theirs. Tasting the vanilla lipstick, I wanted more. My hands had a mind of their own as they slid down the small frail body under me. Finally finding the edge of the shirt. Tugging it up, I was exposed to smooth soft skin. A devious smile crept upon my face, how far can I go before I have had enough? "Are you enjoying my touch," I asked in a hushed voice close to their ear. The person under me was frozen, eyes wide. "What's wrong cat got your tongue?" I nibbled on their ear, teasing them as much as I could.

".. Yes" they finally squeaked.

After their answer I didn't remember much, I just allowed myself to fall into unconsciousness as I kissed the figure harder.

-time skipped

"Damn..." I cursed. My head pounding, hard as if someone hit me with a shovel. Rolling over the bed, I was still dressed under the covers. Sighing out in relief, I didn't do something stupid while I was drunk off my ass. A groan had came to the right of me, I jumped up to see a tiny body stirr.

A girl, around my age guessing. She lifted up from the bed, hair falling around her like a cape. Blue eyes squinted to examine the environment she had slept in. Fear quickly took over as she realized it was morning. Finally her eyes laid on me.

"You!" She poked, shaking under the blankets.

"What about me?"

The young girl bite her lower lip, thinking hard. "You made out with me last night.." Her voice trailed off.

"Shit! That was you! Shit shit shit." I cursed, pounding my hands against my aching head. I made out with a girl! It should have been a boy! Shit!

I examined her closely. She was wearing a black bra, leaving the rest of her upper body exposed. Where is her damn shirt....? Memories came flooding back, thinking to when I ripped the fabric off her body. God dammit, how will I explain this.

"Could you hand me my shirt?" She asked, snapping me back to my thoughts. She was flushed with color, having her arms wrapped around her body.

"Ah yea.." I looked around me, seeing a shirt tucked under my butt. Tugging in the black T-shirt, I handed it over. She scrambled fast to but it on, as if her being topless was was a sin. After her shirt was on, she slumped her shoulders down. "Look" I started. "I'm sorry that I ah... Forced myself onto you. I'm sorry."

She looked at me with soft eyes. She stayed silent, and combed her hair onto one side of her. "It's fine," she finally spoke. "Just next time don't tear off someone's shirt, and stare at their body." She mumbled.

I flushed with color. I can't believe I was this embarrassing. Quickly I collected, my things and left the younger girl. I need to get away from her, and risen last night's memories away.

I just needed anything to get away from her, I just didn't feel right with her.


Hehehe so I made another.

MikuXLuka is my life, no lie

Hope you enjoyed the beginning

Also PS. Who was Luka making out with? Hehehehe I know you guys know who she is

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