Smart Cocky and Stupid Cocky

Start from the beginning

"I mean you're just as cocky as I am."

"I'm smart cocky, you're just stupid cocky."

"My stupid cockiness kept me alive," she responded.

Cora and Sitka squared up. For once she felt she could actually use all her strength to not hold back at all. She felt a sudden calm run over her body before it began. One punch, two punch, miss. He attacked first, leaving her side with a small red patch covering her skin. She pushed forward one then blocked three.

Quickly realizing that she fought similar to himself, he began to change it up. Her injuries make her slower, use speed to beat her. So he did, as she went for a punch he dodged and went for her stomach. The blonde bent over sucking in air. As she turned around he stuck her back sending her to the mud. "You didn't see that coming?"

Spitting she pushed herself up again "No, but it was fun." She smirked her body looked and felt worn. The last time she fought someone as strong as Sitka was on the Ark. What felt like forever ago, fighting a man twice her size, three times the training. Against the odds she beat him.

It didn't take long for her to be face first in the mud. He began to walk away mumbling about how the needed to wait. When she stood, "Again." He smiled before turning the fight starting all over again.

Ten minutes later she was back down. Wheezing for air her head ached form the amount of times it had hit the ground. "Cora, wait till your strong. It's okay no shame in that," the brunette spoke turned cleaning off his muddy knuckles. He looked at her side seeing a small amount of blood seep through her shirt.

"One thing, about us sky people," she paused standing, "we don't give up." This time she ran towards him with a war cry sound. He perked an eyebrow before she shoved her shoulder into his chest taking them both to the ground. One steady breath and she pinned him quickly. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she felt his hand tap against her own. She let go as he rolled over catching his breath.

"You fight good."

"I know."

The both let out a laugh their breathing still heavy. Shortly Sitka stood up giving a hand to the blonde. She took it, exaggerating a moan as she got to her feet. "Come on your wound reopened." Cora looked down her eyes widening.

"Hey look at that. I'm bleeding." He shook his head as she grabbed her side, both heading back inside. She took off the dirty jacket. It didn't feel like her jacket. No, her jacket was one the shoulders of a red head. It was then she realized the likely hood of Lucy being alive was little to none. "I need to go back to the drop ship."

"The what?" He asked as she slid lied down lifting up her shirt.

"The place where three hundred of your people burned." She spoke laying on her back as he examined the wound. She could hear the sound of his breath changing. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have s-"

"We'll go tonight. I'll tell my mom were going for a jog or something."

"Thanks," she gave a soft nod as he patched her wound.

Cora waited outside for a good two hours, the sounds of foot steps approaching caused her to look up. "Hey Cora," The youngest plopped down next to her as she whittled a stake.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Where's Sitka?"

"He went into your village with your mom and sister. Getting things to make a bow and arrow or something. Did you miss this mornings' conversation?" She asked with a giggle. 

"Wow, they're gonna make you a full set." She looked puzzled by the statement. "Few months back they left me at a friends house for what seemed to long to just be going to the garden to get vegetables. Instead they got me my own sword. That was the coolest thing. Taught me how to fight with it, how to use it for survival. Everything."

That was Then, This is Now. [Bellamy Blake Fanfic ~ Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now