Chapter | 2

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Chapter | 2 | Someone believes.

I stood at my locker biting my lip putting my things away as it was finally the last period of the day.

Thank god.

"Hey, Moon-chick" I heard feeling a hand on my lower back making me gasp turning around quickly expecting to see Zach. Instead I came face to face with Aarlik Trenton, "it's me" he chuckled and I just looked at him with a blank expression. "What do you want?" I said clearing my throat hoping my voice isn't so shaky.

"You left these in class when you ran out earlier" he said holding my notebook and my sketchbook out. "Oh. Thanks" I mumbled taking them but he didn't let it go making me tense.

I slowly looked up at him seeing him staring at me, "you had a flashback didn't you? Cause you saw him?" He asked making me tense up more.

Oh god... I'm not in the mood to be teased right now...

"It's not funny" I muttered and he frowned "who said I was laughing? I was just asking" he said with a raised eyebrow and I shook my head gulping. "I know you're going to tease me. I mean nobody believes me so why should you?" I asked snatching my books from his grip and he just stared at me as I hugged my books to my chest closing my locker.

I turned around to walk away "I believe you" he said making me freeze completely. It suddenly felt like everything around me shattered into pieces and crashed... All the air in my lungs seemed to disappear making it harder for me to breathe...

Am I hearing things?...

I turned to him slowly seeing him staring at me "what did you just say?" I whispered staring at him and he just looked at me. "I said I believe you" he said again making my heart stop.

Someone actually said it...

Someone actually believes me...

I can't believe someone actually believes me.

I looked around the empty hallway leaning against the lockers feeling my legs give it under me making me slide down to the floor sitting down. "You believe me" I whispered and he bent down in front of me staring at me. "I do" he said making me gulp

"Why? How? Nobody else believes me... Not even my family" I whispered looking at him and he sighed sitting down.

"Well first of all... Somebody has to be really fucked up in the head and just pure sick to make up a lie about being raped" he said making me flinch at the 'R' word.

"Second... I can just tell. I can read people well and I know you're not lying. Your body language and your facial expressions says it all... Unless you're a great actress" he snorted and I just stared at him with glossy eyes making him sigh.

He stared at me with those emerald orbs and I looked away seeing he was looking at me with pity making my chest sink...

"But I can see the truth in your eyes" he mumbled still staring at me as I stared at the floor hugging my legs.

Somebody actually believes me...

"If you're joking with me... You're sick" I whispered looking at him with tears in my eyes and he shook his head. "I'm not kidding. I promise" he said and I hugged my legs blinking back the tears.

He sighed sitting next to me leaning against the lockers and sighed looking at me. "So... What are you going to do?" He asked making me frown.


"I mean... You have to do something... There's a rapist walking around the school freely" he said making me clench my jaw. "Don't you think I know that" I whispered looking at him with hard eyes. He leaned back against the lockers biting his lip.

"You don't seem to be doing anything about it" he said and I glared at him. "Are you kidding me?" I whispered sitting up straight and he held his hands up shrugging. "I'm just speaking my mind-"

"I've tried many times doing something about it but nobody will believe me. Haven't you heard what everyone says? I'm an attention seeking whore who made it all up" I chuckled humorlessly and he sighed sitting there looking down as I shook my head.

"Nobody is ever going to believe me" I whispered quietly staring at my worn out converses. "So make them believe you" he said making me look at him "how?"

"Just don't give up... Don't let him think he's won-"

"Won? This is not a freaking game" I muttered harshly clenching my fists. "To him it is" he said and I scoffed shaking my head.

Why am I even sitting here talking to him?...

'Cause he believes you' a little voice said in my head making me look down playing with a piece of thread on my hoodie.

"You just don't understand" I whispered and he turned to me sighing. "So make me understand" he said staring right at me with those green eyes.

"Why are you talking to me all of a sudden?" I whispered leaning my head back against the lockers. "I think Zach is a sick bastard for what he did... Nobody deserves to go through that" he said with a serious expression.

I stared down at the floor silently, "I think you need to be more persistent... Keep telling people. Find solid evidence on him and make them believe you with all the proof" he said and I just shook my head. "It still hurts... If I say I was... You know..." I mumbled not being able to say the word.

"Raped" he said making me clench my jaw, "they should've believed me in the first place. They should try to help me; but no! Since his uncle is the sheriff, they're automatically on his side because he such a great guy who would never do something like that!" I spat out thinking about the way everyone looked at me when I told them...

Thinking about how they just laughed in my face and told me to stop playing around.

"You need to-"

"Can you just please shut up about what I need to do?" I hissed at him and he clenched his jaw. "I'm just trying to help you" he said and I grabbed my stuff "I don't want help..." I whispered putting my notebooks in my bag clenching my jaw.

"I don't believe you... You need someone with you. You can't handle this all on your own" he said frowning. "I already am... I have been on my own for 23 days" I said zippering up my bag making him sigh.

He reached out to grab me and I automatically panicked jerking away from him making him pull his hand back quickly as if I burned him. "I won't hurt you" he whispered sitting up and I just looked down.

"Yeah well that's what he said..." I whispered and he clenched his jaw. "I won't... I swear to you I'll never hurt you" he whispered and I just frowned at him.

Why is he all of a suddenly being so nice?

Why is he even talking to me?

He slowly reached out again putting his hand on mine making my heart pound in my chest...

He's touching me...

Someone is touching me-

A guy is touching me.




"Stop" I whispered backing away quickly feeling my chest tighten and my eyes water thinking about Zach hurting me. He sighed sitting there staring at me and we heard a door slam making me flinch.

I looked down the hall and tensed seeing Zach walking down the hall holding his bag over his shoulder. He looked at us and clenched his jaw staring at us... More specifically staring at me.

"Well? What the fuck are you looking at?" Aarlik spat at him with hard eyes making me tense. "Shut the hell up, Trenton" Zach spat back still staring at me.

He stared at me for a while making me clench my fists tightly digging my nails into my palm. He turned around walking away and I let out a shaky breath blinking the tears away.

I grabbed my bag pushing myself to stand up quickly and Aarlik sighed "Moon-chick-"

"My name is Luna!" I snapped looking at him as he stood up. "Just please do me a favor and leave me alone" I whispered backing away. He stared at me as I turned around walking away hugging myself feeling tears roll down my cheeks..

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