Chapter 9: Falling For Two Gods

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When the celebration came to an end, Zahra and Anubis returned home. They transformed back to their normal selves. "How was it, you seemed to enjoy it." Anubis said. Zahra had big smile. "It was excellent, magnificent, enjoyable, I have never experienced something so amazing." Zahra said with a big smile. Anubis gave a small smile. "I am happy you enjoyed it." Anubis said. Zahra nodded with a toothy grin. "There is one last thing I would like to show you." Anubis said and began to walk. Zahra followed close behind Anubis. They walked until they came to a garden full of plants of all kinds. Zahra looked at the plants in aw. "This is a garden, most plants grow here from different parts of Egypt." Anubis explained. Zahra looked with awe. Zahra began to do what she always did when she sees new things, asking what they are and what meaning they have. Anubis answered and explained everything to Zara as she looked around at the plants. Zahra kept looking around before something caught her eyes. "What is this?" Zahra asked. Anubis looked. "That is a lotus, Egypt's most prized flower." Anubis said. Zahra nodded and remembered something. "A flower, is it not what my name means?" Zahra asked. She looked up to Anubis. "I have been told that is what it means." Zahra said. Anubis nodded. "Yes, your name does mean flower, it is quite fitting." Anubis said. "Is that a good thing?" Zahra asked looking closely at the flower. "It is, it is special to have a meaning of something that people cherish close to them throughout their lives." Anubis said. Zahra stayed quite. "Anubis, what does your name mean?" Zahra asked. Anubis was quiet at first. "My name, same as what I am, death." Anubis said. "Is that a good thing?" Zahra asked. "I do not know, I do not think it has a good meaning." Anubis said looking as though it troubled him to what good there was in having a meaning of something dreadful. Zahra seemed to think of a meaning before smiling. "Death, it could be a good thing and have a good meaning." Zahra said looking up to Anubis. "How so?" Anubis asked raising an eyebrow. "In death, you're leading someone someplace, where they could feel at peace, and no longer feel anything negative, they will feel safe from danger, you are basically leading them to a new life." Zahra explained looking to Anubis. Anubis didn't say anything before giving a small smile. "You are very unique Zahra, very unique." Anubis said. Zahra smiled. "Is that a good thing?" Zahra asked her eyes sparking with interest. Anubis chuckled. "Yes Zahra, a very good thing indeed." Anubis said. Zahra nodded, and soon yawned. "You had a day, it is best for you to rest for tonight." Anubis said. Zahra again nodded while rubbing her tired eyes. Anubis walked Zahra to her palace. Before she entered her room, she gave Anubis a hug. "Thank you Anubis, I had fun." Zahra said still hugging Anubis. Zahra broke apart from him. "I am happy you enjoyed the celebration, I am also happy to spend more time with you, I wish you a goodnight." Anubis said. Anubis leaned and kissed Zahra's cheek before leaving. Zahra blushed and held a hand to where he kissed her, before smiling and entering her room. Aladdin greeted Zahra before also resting as well. Zahra jumped onto her bed and laid down. Zahra was thinking before hugging her pillow with a giggle. 'I guess I am, in love, that is what Hathor said to me before, it feels, nice.' Zahra thought. Zahra smiled as she soon became asleep. Zahra slept before she felt as though she couldn't sleep no longer. Zahra awoke and sat up. 'I can not sleep.' She thought. Zahra looked outside and decided to again go out. Zahra walked outside of the palace and looked around. "I feel like I should be meeting someone." She said to herself. "That is because you are." Said a voice. Zahra turned to see Apophis. "Oh, Apophis, I did not expect you to be here." Zahra said. Apophis slithered forward. "Well, what not to do then to congratulate you on your first attempt in protecting Egypt." Apophis said. Apophis slithered around Zahra. "So, you sung a little lullaby to the people and the Pharaoh, am I correct?" Apophis asked. His snake body going under Zahra, her back against his scales. "Yes, I thought a lullaby, would put everyone to sleep." Zahra said. "That is very clever of you, but that is what I expect from a beautiful goddess such as yourself." Apophis said. Zahra blushed a little and gave a small smile. "Thank you, but I thought I was only doing what others usually do when other could not sleep." Zahra said. Apophis smirked. "You did more than just sing a lullaby, you rescued all of Egypt, that is a big deal to everyone and every god and goddess, you must know what special powers you have." Apophis said. "Special?" Zahra asked. "Yes, special indeed, has not anyone tell you of it?" He asked. Zahra shook her head. "Oh, that is just a disappointment, you have power beyond anyone, you are the goddess of other gods and goddesses, why, you can almost do anything, just like Ra and Amun." Apophis said. Zahra looked up to Apophis. "I can?" Zahra asked. "Why yes, someone with such power could be praised by all, you are the next to be the ruler of all gods and goddesses." Apophis said leaning to Zahra. Zahra again felt a trance seeing his green snake eyes. "I-I am?" Zahra asked. "Of course, you are someone worth waiting for, and someone who should have all the glory, all of the power." Apophis said. Apophis leaned forward until his lips hovered over Zahra's. "All of the love, you deserve it all." Apophis said. "I do?" Zahra asked. Apophis chucked. "Yes my little goddess, yes indeed." He said. Apophis leaned in and kissed Zahra with seductive passion. Zahra wasn't sure what to do, nor did she know what he was doing. Apophis broke from it and smirked. "Now, rest." He said. Suddenly Zahra felt everything go black. Zahra again awoke by morning. Zahra realized she was in bed. 'It happened again, I must have been very tired.' Zahra said. Zahra blushed wildly and held a hand up to her lips. 'Did Apophis, mean everything he said, did I, fall for him too?' She wondered. Truly enough, Zahra has fallen for two gods.

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