Chapter 2: A Journey To Egypt

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Zahra awoke with a yawn. "I am awake?" Zahra asked herself. Zahra saw the blanket that covered her. "What is this?" She asked herself again. Zahra looked at the patterns and felt it. Zahra soon began to cover her body with the blanket until she was fully under the blanket. The door opened as the five walked in. Nut looked at the blanket and giggled. "I see the goddess is awake." Nut said. Zahra stopped moving and removed the blanket, only showing her head. "What is this?" She asked. "That is a blanket, it keeps you from being cold and gives you warmth." Seth said. Zahra continued to look at the blankets with curiosity. "Come on Zahra, we are taking you to the land of Egypt." Anubis said. Zahra shot out of the bed and went up to them with a small smile. "Okay." She said. Hathor smiled. The five went outside the palace. "How do we get there?" Zahra asked. Sekhmet smirked. "You will see eventually." She said. Soon they all arrived to the pond. "I will go first, just so you could see how we can get to Egypt." Nut said smiling. Zahra smiled a bit. Nut looked at pond. The pond began to glow brightly and Zahra looked with awe. Nut stepped forward as the pond glowed brightly and she suddenly disappeared. "Where did she go?" Zahra asked. "To Egypt of course, I will go next." Seth said. Seth walked into the pond and also disappeared. Hathor and Sekhmet walked walked into the pond and disappeared, leaving Anubis and Zahra. Zahra became extremely nervous and shifted uncontrollable. Anubis noticed this and walked over to her. "Do not worry, hold my hand, I will help you." Anubis said. Zahra blushed a little but took his hand. Anubis guided her towards the pond. The pond glowed brightly making Zahra yelped and hug Anubis' arm and shut her eyes tightly. A chuckle could be heard. "Zahra it is alright, open your eyes." She heard Nut say. Zahra opened her eyes slowly. Zahra looked around. They were in some kind of desert field. "What is this place?" Zahra asked looking around. "This is Egypt, known for their land of sand." Seth said. Zahra looked in awe. She realized she was still hugging Anubis' arm and stopped, blushing a little. Zahra again looked around. "What do humans do around here?" She asked. "Some humans wander around here." Sekhmet said. Zahra looked at them. "What does that mean?" She asked. "You either walk or run through desert sands like these." Anubis said. Zahra was quiet. "Can I run?" She asked. "Yes, but don't go too far alri-" Before Hathor could finish Zahra ran, but she ran with much speed, all was only a golden blur. The five blinked a couple of times. "Well come on, let's catch up to her." Sekhmet said and also ran. Everyone also followed. It was a great journey for Zahra. Zahra discovered animals, human, and plants. Now they were in some kind of desert jungle. As they walked they heard a wild cat roar, they turned to see a panther. "A panther." Seth said. "Like me, but it is so different." Zahra said. Zahra walked up to the panther and took out her hand. The panther sniffed her hand before licking it. "What is it doing?" Zahra asked. "It is very fond of you and I think it is a he." Hathor said. "Oh." Zahra said. Zahra began to pet the panther and she pured. "What is he doing now?" Zahra asked. "He is purring, it is an animal thing to do." Nut said. Zahra continued to pet the panther as it purred. "Come Zahra, we must go back to our Egypt." Seth said. Zahra nodded and stood up. Once she began to walk something tugged onto her blue ribbon and Zahra looked back. The panther was holding onto her ribbon. "It seems the panther wishes for you to stay." Sekhmet said. Zahra stared at the panther. Hathor smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. "Why don't we bring him with, he could be Zahra's pet." Hathor said. "What is a pet?" Zahra asked. "A pet is when you have an animal as your friend or partner." Hathor said. Zahra looked back to the panther. "Can I have him as a pet?" She asked. "Of course, now come along, let us go back." Nut said. Zahra nodded and patted the panther's head. The panther followed the six to a pond. Like last time the pond glowed brightly as they walked in. Anubis, of course held onto Zahra's hand as the panther followed them into the pond. Soon they were back to the heavens of Egypt. Zahra looked back to the panther. "I think I will name you Aladdin." Zahra said patting the panther's head. Amun walked over to the group with a laugh. "I see Zahra has made a new friend." Amun said with a smile. Zahra nodded. "His name is Aladdin." Zahra said petting Aladdin's head, making him purr. Amun nodded. "Why don't you take Aladdin back to your palace, I have something to discuss with the five." Amun said. Zahra nodded. "Come on Aladdin." Zahra said walking to her palace. Aladdin followed beside her. Once she disappeared Amun's expression became serious and he looked at the five. "You five must stay on your guard, Apophis has returned." Amun said. Sekhmet groaned. "Not that sneaky snake, does he ever give up." She whined. "He must be after Zahra, he did prevent her from being born for thousands of years, there is no telling what he could do to her, now that she is born." Seth said. Amun nodded. "I want you five to keep watch of Zahra, train her to unlock her goddess powers." Amun said. They all nodded. "I must be heading back, it is nearly night." Amun said before walking away. "And I must get ready for the night, keep the stars and moon stable." Nut said and walked away. Sekhmet yawned. "I am going to bed." She simply said and walked. "I will also rest for the night." Seth said leaving Anubis and Hathor. Hathor looked at Anubis. "I think Zahra has grew more fond to this world, I can not imagine what Apophis could do to ruin that." Hathor said. "Do not worry, she will be safe, for now, we must all rest." Anubis said. Hathor nodded. "Good night." She said and walked away to catch up with Sekhmet. Anubis watched as she left and soon went to rest.

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