Chapter 5: The Training

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Zahra and Aladdin walked over to where she heard her name called and saw Amun and the others. "Good morning Zahra, for today, we will see what elements you posses." Amun said. Amun gestured to the others. "Each god and goddess will teach you an element." Amun said. Zahra nodded with a smile. "Sekhmet will teach you first, then Hathor, Anubis, Nut, and Seth, I will be off." Amun said. Amun turned and left. Zahra watched as he left and looked back to the others. "Well then, follow us." Hathor said. Zahra followed the others to a sand like field, Egyptian statues circled around the sand field. "This is where new gods and goddesses train to find their elements, you will use the statues to test your abilities." Anubis said. Zahra nodded. Hathor looked at Sekhmet. "Well, you are up." Hathor said. Sekhmet huffed and rolled her eyes. Sekhmet walked up to Zahra. "Do not think I will go easy on you." Sekhmet said. Sekhmet walked in the middle of the field and took a stance.

Let us get down to business to protect Egypt
Did they send me a mortal when I asked for a goddess?
You are the saddest panther I ever met
But you can bet before we are through
Misses, I will make a goddess out of you

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center,
You are sure to win
You are a spineless, pale, pathetic lot
And you have not got a clue
Somehow I will make a goddess out of you

To be a goddess
You must be swift as a coursing river
To be a goddess
With all the force of a great typhoon
To be a goddess
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us
Until Egypt needs you
Heed my every order
And you might survive
You are unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you are through
How could I make a goddess out of you?

To be a goddess
You must be swift as a coursing river
To be a goddess
With all the force of a great typhoon
To be a goddess
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

It's been many days, Zahra was taught many times how to find her abilities. But they were losing hope. Zahra was walking outside late at night, soon seeing the training field. Zahra stared at the field. 'I am only an embarrassment to the gods and goddesses.' Zahra thought. Zahra looked at her hands. Zahra glared at her hands and tightly clenched her hands into a fist. 'No, I need to do this, for everyone, for Egypt.' Zahra thought. Zahra walked over to the training field until she was in the middle of the field. Zahra glanced over to the buildings that were around. The lights were off, signaling that everyone was asleep. Zahra sighed and stood in the same stance Sekhmet was. Zahra took a deep breath. She soon began to spin, making a sand tornado. The faster she went, the bigger it became, until she was in control of the sand tornado and shot it to one of the statues, destroying it in the process. Zahra smiled and went to the same stance as Hathor. Zahra listened very closely, her surroundings making some type of music. She then shot her hand to another statue, making a sound wave, destroying another statue. Zahra began to do the same movements everyone has taught her. Zahra was able to control the shadows, meaning she inherited from Anubis, the sky, meaning Nut, and a storm, from Seth. In the process she was able to destroy all the statues. Zahra stopped, breathing heavily. "Well well, looks like you finally embraced your inner goddess." Said a voice. Zahra jumped and looked to see Sekhmet with a smirk on her face, with the others with her. Zahra smiled nervously. "Sorry to have awoken you." Zahra said. "That is quite alright, we are happy to see you improve." Seth said. Sekhmet walked up to Zahra and put a hand on her shoulder. "Great job." Was all she said and soon walked away. Zahra blinked a couple of times. "I think she approves of you now, I will see you in the morning." Hathor said walking away with Sekhmet. Seth only nodded and walked away. Zahra didn't notice how tired she was, her eyes were half closed, and she seemed like she was going to pass out. Anubis noticed and walked up to Zahra. Anubis picked her up, making Zahra blush a little. "Do not worry, you must rest, it is nearly late." Anubis said. Zahra only slowly nodded and fell asleep in his arms. "I am happy for her, she finally learned what she could control." Nut said. "That is true, but we have yet to see what else she could do." Anubis said. Anubis and Nut went superstate ways. Anubis carried Zahra to the palace and into her room. Anubis laid Zahra down and tucked her in. Aladdin was fast asleep at the time. Anubis soon turned and walked out of the palace.

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