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So this is longer than I normally write but whatever. I am the author not you. I wrote this for my english class as an imitation of Shakespeare's sonnets (without iambic petameter thank goodness!).

116 Words


Shall this be the dreaded goodbye?

I wish not that you must leave

Thinking of this urges me to cry

As you are so much greater than you perceive

From you, there is warm fire in my heart

You've made smiles erupt at times of tears

Must you be certain it's time to depart?

Losing you, friend, is one of my deepest fears

You've given me a freedom, now seen as a curse

In this freedom, without you, there's lack of direction

You being gone has me lost in this universe

You were my guide; my only source of protection

My final request is for you to remember

How it once was when we were together

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