Chapter Seven - Mistakes

Start from the beginning

I smiled and looked at the ground shuffling my feet awkwardly

"You know, I used to wish my life was normal. Sometimes I still do. I used to wish that I had a mother and a father that were lawyers or bus drivers, that they could ground me when I snuck out at night to go to a party with my friends. A brother or sister to keep me from breaking when the boys at school broke my heart. The normal boys that had normal lives, the ones that would take me out on dates, kiss me in the car, walk me to my door where my dad would yell at me for being out so late" I paused before continuing "But instead I have this mess of a life. One that I haven't chosen, one that I was born with which automatically makes me a target. I've nearly died at the hands of Vampires, on numerous occasions. I've fallen in love with one, I've become great friends with some. Now, I find out one my friends kills them, because he's a ninety three year old Angel" I admitted honestly as his eyes searched my face

"You can go back to all if you wanted" Callum began, never moving his eyes from my face "You can find an apartment to rent, go to school, hang out with your friends, date boys, save your money, go travelling, be a teenager. A normal teenager" He spoke, his voice soft and calm

I shook my head "Can I though? Knowing what's out there? Knowing that I will always be looking over my shoulder? Besides, I've gained a lot from what I have now too, could I throw all that away?" I mused walking towards a park bench, sitting down

"Its a difficult choice, and one that I can't make for you, but I want to help you decide, help you choose the right one. I don't want to see you get hurt Rose, I don't want Vampires to know who and what you are. I don't want to ever have to take action because you chose to become one of those beasts" He sat down closely next to me

"Take action?" I questioned, creasing my eyebrows

His expression was pained as he lifted his gaze to mine "If you become of them Rose, I'll have no choice but to treat you as I do them, as to what you are to us"

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. It'll never happen" I assured him, watching as he half smiled with relief

"At the end of the day, I just want you to be happy" He smiled, placing a hand on my knee "But for the right reasons, without doubt, without fear"

I felt a surge of current run up my leg from his touch, it quickly made me feel uneasy. Uneasy because it felt nice, comforting, safe.

"I appreciate it Callum" I smiled, keeping my eyes on his hand that remained on my leg

"Can I ask you something, personal?" Callum cut through the silence, his eyes avoiding mine

I nodded, watching him carefully

"Do you feel anything towards me? Apart from a friendship?" He dragged out the sentence slowly

My palms began to sweat, my ears ran hot.
I did have feelings for him, but it was wrong. It was betrayal.
I loved Duke, he was my boyfriend.
I wanted to turn the question on him, but I already knew the answer. I was backed in a corner.

"I never thought it was possible to have feelings for two very different people" I moved my eyes down to his hand still lingering on me

The corner of his mouth lifted as he got the answer he was looking for.
"I guess you get the normal teenage boy problems in the confusing sense you wanted it" He lighly joked squeezing my knee

I returned his smile and bravely looked back up at him. He was staring right back at me, and the sudden proximity of his face near mine made my heart jump. I should have moved away, but I didn't, I felt my skin crawl. His eyes were searching mine as if asking for permission, but I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe.
I was closing in on giving intimacy to an Angel, while dating a Vampire.
It felt wrong, confusing, yet something pushed me forward, edging me to do it.

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