An Eventful Weekend

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An Eventful Weekend

I watched as Thomas began to wake up in my arms, I said, “Good morning, Thomas.” He replied in a yawn, “Good morning, Cassie.” He brushed his lips against mine, before getting off the bed and putting his clothes back on. He asked, “Does your skin shine like diamonds in the sun, since you're part human?” I responded, “I would look like any other human in the sunlight.” Then he asked, “Would you like to help me kill some vampires then?” I replied, “Sure, I can't stand vampires who feed off of humans, I think they're a disgrace to the vampire race.” He stated, “You're the first vampire I know that feeds off of animals instead of humans.” I told him, “There are more of my parents kind that feed off of animals too.”

I got off the bed and put on a pair of gray shorts and a comfortable dark purple t-shirt, I glanced at the clock and noticed it was a quarter to ten. I said to him, “Let me make us some breakfast before we go vampire hunting, I'm sure you're hungry.” He said with a smile, “Thanks, my love. I would really appreciate that.” He followed me into the kitchen and sat down at the table, he watched as I pulled the bacon out of the fridge along with a dozen eggs.

After about fifteen minutes breakfast was ready, I placed his plate in front of him and took a seat to him, we began eating our breakfast. I got up a few minutes later and poured two glasses of orange juice for us, I placed his in front of him and sat down again. We finished fifteen minutes later and I placed our plates in the sink, before turning around to stare at Thomas, but his face was only inches from mine. I didn't even hear him walking towards me, I guess vampire slayers are even more quieter than vampires. He leaned in further and brushed his lips softly against mine, I pulled him closer to me to deepen the kiss. We pulled away a few minutes later because Thomas was breathing heavy, I placed a kiss on his cheek, before heading to my bedroom to grab my cell phone.

Thomas and I headed out of the apartment, we headed down a few flights of stairs and exited the building. We went directly towards the park that is thirteen blocks away from here, we arrived at the park an half an hour later. I turned to him and asked, “Are we just going to head directly into the woods?” He replied, “Yep, they'll probably think I'm going to be your snack and might want to fight you to get a taste of me.” I responded in a low voice, “Human drinkers are feral creatures, especially younger vampires.” He replied, “I know Cassie, I know all too well.”

We entered the woods and headed deeper, I felt the presence of a few vampires near us as we were a hundred feet into woods. I glanced over at Thomas and saw that he was tensed up, he could sense the presence of the vampires as well. I shouted loud enough for the vampires to hear, “There's a human in the woods, his scent is so sweet!” Thomas chuckled at me and said, “That will get them searching for me.” I could tell he wanted me to push him up against a tree and I did, I put on a serious expression and said, “Your scent is so mouth watering.” I let out a low growl and showed him my sharp teeth, which just made him laugh at me.

I suddenly felt the presence of three vampires behind us and turned around quickly, I pressed Thomas against my back and growled at them in warning. I said through clenched teeth, “He's my snack, he's all mine.” A male vampire with long brown hair asked, “Aren't you going to share?” I growled out, “No, I never share and I mean never.” A female vampire with short blond hair said, “I guess we have no choice but to kill her, what a shame.” The other male with shoulder length light brown hair said, “She has the eyes of a human, what an unusual vampire. Why are your eyes blue dear?” I replied, “I'm half human half vampire, there aren't many of my kind, but there are regular vampires that have the eyes of a humans color; they feed off of humans.” Thomas pulled out from behind me and stood right next to me, he said, “I'm a vampire slayer, all of you better prepare to die.” What Thomas had said didn't phase them at all, they just laughed at him. I stated, “I hear most vampire slayer possess powers, If I were you I wouldn't take what he is saying lightly.”

I glanced at Thomas and saw him levitating off the ground a few inches, the other three vampires were starting at him in shock. I used my telekinesis to force them to the ground, I watched as Thomas levitated over to them and ripped their heads off one by one. He lowered himself to the ground and walked back over to me, I waited until he was behind, before I uttered the word fire and shot flames out of my hands to light the vampires bodies on fire. Once the bodies were turned into ashes, I uttered the word water and extinguish the flames to prevent setting the woods on fire.

Thomas placed a kiss on my lips quickly, before saying, “Let's see if we can find anymore human drinkers to kill, we'll leave the animal drinkers alone.” We headed more deeper into the woods and I sniffed the air to see if I could catch the scent of a vampire, but I found none. I asked Thomas, “Do you have any other powers, my mate?” He responded, “When I look into someones eyes I can see their past up to the very last moment of their human life.” I asked just to make sure, “Do you mean you can see their human life?” He replied, “Yep, I can't see yours because you were half human half vampire when you were born.” I replied, “I see, I guess I'll just have to tell you sometime.”...

Several hours later we headed back to my apartment and I made us some dinner, Thomas and I hadn't eaten anything in seven hours. I pulled out of a bottle filled with animal blood and drank it, I had to admit I was a little thirsty from being around Thomas all day and him pretending to be my snack, but I never bite him or a human. I downed a few bottles of animal blood, before turning around to see Thomas looking at me with an alluring smile on his face, he wasn't finding me drinking blood repulsive at all. I threw the bottles into the sink, so I could rinse them out and reuse them to store animal blood in. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him, he whispered in my ear, “Seeing you killing vampire gave me a thrill.” I wiggled out of his hold and began to wash the dishes, they needed to be done before the apartment began to smell.

Suddenly Thomas said, “I need to go to the pharmacy across the street, I'll be back in a few minutes.” I watched as he headed out of the apartment, I knew exactly what he was going to get at the pharmacy: condoms. He came back about seven minutes later, he must have been running to get back here so fast. I had just finished doing the dishes and had set down on the couch, he walked over to me slowly and sat down next to me....

I woke up next to my mate the next morning and placed a kiss on his cheek as he slowly started to wake up, he smiled at me, before he rolled on top of me and pressed his lips to mine. Thomas hadn't asked me if I was ready to make love with him, he either didn't have the courage to ask me or he didn't know how to approach the subject. I hoped he would ask me in a few days, I don't think I would be able to wait any longer than that. I asked him, “What are you going to do today?” He replied, “Well, I have to head home to take a shower and change my clothes; I also have homework to get done, but I promise I will be back tonight. I need to ask you something, when I come back tonight.” I replied, “Okay, but will you at least let me make you some breakfast?” He replied with a grin, “I would love to.” He placed another kiss on my lips and got off of the bed to put his clothes back on; I got off the bed and put on some fresh clothes.

Thomas followed me out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, he sat down at the table once again. I quickly poured him a glass of orange juice and placed it in front of him, before turning around and began mixing the ingredients for pancakes at the speed of a vampire. In just under six minutes I placed a dozen pancakes in front of him, along with a small bottle of syrup. I washed the dishes in the sink, I grabbed his plate from after he just finished his last bite of the pancakes.

I felt his arms around my waist and pulled me against him like last night, I moaned softly as I felt his warm breath on my neck. I turned around and placed my lips harshly onto his, he lifted me and sat me down on the counter top as he deepened the kiss. He pulled away a few minutes later and stated in a breathless voice, “I need to go.” He pressed his lips to mine, before saying, “I love you, Cassie.” I replied, “I love you too, Thomas.” I watched as he left my apartment, I decided to work on my homework like Thomas was going to do. Then I waited for him, it would be several hours before he would be coming back.

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