At The Hospital

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At The Hospital

I arrived at the hospital within a five minutes, lets just say that I was going well over the legal speed limit. I parked in the back of the parking lot and headed inside the hospital, then I headed towards the front desk. I asked a blond nurse, “Can you please tell me where I can find Thomas Evens?” She replied, “Yes, he's in the second Emergency Room.” I said, “Thanks,” before she could say another word and headed towards the Emergency Room area. I knocked on the door and heard Thomas voice say, “Come in.” I slowly opened the door and entered the room, I slowly walked over to him.

Neither of us talked for a minute, I starting feel the silence between us began to become awkward. I decided to ask, “Did they run a full body scan on you?” He replied, “Ya, they did.” I asked him, “Are you sure that you didn't get hurt? I kind of pushed you hard.” He responded, “I'm fine.” I licked my lips slightly, which caused him to look at me suspiciously. I asked, “Why are you looking at me like that?” He replied, “Why did you lick your lips?” I responded, “I do it when I'm thinking.” He commented with sarcasm, “I'm sure you do.” I asked with my eyes narrowed at him, “What is that suppose to mean?”

He didn't get a chance to reply because right then my father Rick entered the room, he had a surprised look on his face when he saw me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Thomas tense up, I wasn't really understanding his reactions today. My father introduced, “Hello, Thomas Evens, I'm Dr. Anderson.” Thomas turned to me and asked, “Isn't that your last name too?” I replied, “Yes, he's my father.” Then my father said, “I heard that you were in an accident and were hit by a truck.” Thomas responded, “Well, actually she pushed me out of the way quickly, she ran off before the ambulance came.” My father glanced in my direction, I knew he wanted to talk to me about this. He turned to Thomas and said, “Well, I'm glad. It explains why you didn't get injured.” Before leaving the room my father said, “Meet me in my office, when you're done talking to him.” I replied, “I will, dad.”

I turned my gaze back to Thomas and he asked, “How did you get to me so fast?” I lied, “I was only ten feet away from you.” He replied, “No you weren't, you were on the other side of the parking lot.” I said, “You don't know what you're talking about.” He replied, “I saw you push the truck away with your hands, you made a dent in it.” I responded quickly, “I had an adrenaline rush.” He retorted, “I know you're lying.” I narrowed my eyes at him and said, “You...I don't...I can't tell you.” I left the room after that, I headed to my father's office.

I knocked on the door and heard my father said, “Come in, Cassie.” I walked into the room and he motioned for me to take a seat, I waited for what was to come. My dad asked me, “What were you even thinking?” I said, “You've done something like this before, you saved mom from getting hit by a car over twenty years ago.” He replied, “There's a difference, your mother was my mate.” I responded, “There isn't a difference, that guy is my mate.” He mulled it over and said, “Has he asked questions?” I replied, “Yes, he didn't believe my answers either.” My dad sighed, “Well, you're just going to have to deal with it yourself.” I replied, “Thanks a lot, dad.” I got up and exited the room, I head back to where my Thomas is.

I knocked on the door again and he said, “Come in.” I opened the door and walked over to him, only standing a foot away from him. He asked, “What do you want from me?” I replied, “We need to talk.” He sighed and said, “Then talk.” I said, “I can't tell you how I was able to save you for now, just try to remain safe.” I stepped closer to him and gently stroked the side of his face, then I left the room without saying another word. I knew it was too early to tell him that I was a half human half vampire, I knew I would tell him someday though.


I couldn't believe a vampire had actually saved my life, my mortal enemy had saved a vampire slayer's life. There was something strange about her, I didn't feel the need to kill her at all and I didn't know why. I had gotten the vampire slaying gene from my mother and she had train me well, I was able to take down three vampires at once.

My mother and father came walking in through the door a minute later, my mother rushed to my side quickly. She said, “Thank god you're okay.” I said bluntly, “I was pushed out of the way, mother.” She asked, “Who saved you?” I replied, “You're not going to believe me, it just floors me that one of their kind would save me.” My mother asked, “What are you talking about, Thomas?” I replied with a sigh, “I was saved by a vampire.” My mother was speechless, she didn't know what to say.

She asked a few minutes later, “Did you destroy her?” I replied, “No, I didn't feel the need, she had eyes of a human.” The doctor came in a moment later, my mother froze in place because he was a vampire. He said, “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Evens, I'm Dr. Anderson. Your son seems to be able to go home, he didn't sustain any injuries from the accident. If you just sign the discharge papers in the lobby, you'll be able to take him home.” My mother said, “Thank you, Dr. Anderson.” The doctor left the room, then my mother turned to me again.

 She said, “That vampire had the eyes of a human as well, I don't understand any of this.” I told my mom, “He's her father, the one that saved me was his daughter.” My mother said, “He seems to value the lives of humans, something strange is going on.” My mother left the room to go sign the discharge papers, leaving me alone with my father.

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