Chapter 2: Family.

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"Annabelle!!" My mother, Jerry, yelled. "Your going to be late!"

"Okay, Mom! I'll be down in a sec!" I yelled back. Oh, I"m already ready! Hmm, I guess I do muti-task. Well, we (meaning my mother, father, and I) are going to meet Jake and his mother for a Christmas dinner. See, at school, I made Jake believe I wouldn't be able to see him during Christmas Break. I wanted to surprise him, so I called Marie and told her and she said she'd keep it a secret! Fantastic! I took one more look in the mirror. A simple light pink sweater and a pair of blue sweats. I know, weird look but oh, well. I don't have to impress Jake. He loves me the way I am. He told me so when we went to the Winter Formal dance, although he couldn't recall the name of the dance, it was still the best dance ever! The words he told me when I thought the worst. I mean I'd heard two rumors. One: He was or had been "with" Kristi, his awful ex. Two: He liked me a lot. But the real outcome was even better. I told him how I felt and he told me how he felt. The words he told me run through my mind again as I climb into our little red Honda....

"The rumor was that I like you. Anna-Bee, I love you. All of you. Your past, your present and your future. Your mistakes, your accomplishments, your goals. The way you smile and talk. The way you cry and get mad. I love everything about you."

As we drive down the street, I can't help but wiggle in my seat. I feel like a little kid who's eager to open his gifts on Christmas Eve. Man, how long does it take? Gee! Get there already!

"Mom, how much farther?" I whine. She shots me a look like "For real?"

"We just left darling...are you that desperate to see your best friend?" Oh, yeah...we are going to tell my parents at this dinner that we are together. I gulp. I hope this ends well. I sit back and zip my lips. Jake and I made this desicion and I'm going to stick to it.Of course, that was suppose to be in January when we tell them but he didn't know I was going to see him for Christmas...Oh, but I want to tell them so badly. I miss Jake though! I haven't saw him much really since the dance. Except once when I went over to his house at night when he texted me saying he needed to talk. I thought the worst. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend. He just came out and asked. He even asked for me to stay the night in his arms but I knew my parents were going to check in on me so I told him I couldn't.

Yay! We're here! At a quiet, little diner. It's a mile out from town and a lot of people we know don't come here. So, no huge chance of running into someone we don't want to talk to! I wiggle in my seat until the car is pulled into the parking lot. I open the door before it even comes to a complete stop and once my feet hits the pavement, I'm gone! I take off running toward the enterence and open the door. BAM! I fall straight down.

"I'm so sorry!" I manage, too excited to feel any pain.


"Jake!" I look up and see him. He falls on the ground with me and embraces me. I hug him tightly. "Oh, I've missed you!" Finally, I decide to stand, believing we probably look like a bunch of retards sitting in the floor.

"Wow, I didn't expect to see you." He mutters.

"Still shocked! Ha!" I laugh at him. He just shakes his head.

"I thought you were leaving for Christmas Break."

"Leave you? As if." I say looking outside to see my parents making there way inside. "Oh, and my parents came. And I think we should tell them."

"Yeah, okay. Whenever you want." I walk over to a table with him. It's a round table for eight. His mother is sitting there all anxious looking. I give her a small smile.

"Nice to see you again, Marie." I say. She just nods and I send a questioning look at Jake but he's paying attention to my parents walking in. Okay, so it's my parents, me, Jake, and his mom. That's five. Why a table for eight? Is his father and siblings joining us? After everyone says their greetings, we all sit and look at the menus. Everyone is quiet. Too quiet. I'm sitting beside Jake and my mother. Of course, Jake and I are holding hands and we aren't even trying to hide it. I mean, my parents are about to find out anyway.

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