Are You The One For Me? (16) - Edited.

Start from the beginning

Eric stopped us behind the only girl that was standing alone on line.

"Excuse me, but would you mind if we joined you?" Eric asked the girl.

She turned around and grinned at him. "Sure."

"Cool, thanks. What's your name?"

Her smile got wider. "Jessica," she answered. "And yours?"

Her eyes were all over Eric; taking in his features and build and everything else that she probably didn't even notice Callista and I standing behind him.

"Eric." he said.

"Uh, Eric, there is no way I am getting on that thing!" Callista spoke up then and I noticed her eyes were narrowed and her hands balled into fists. She was obviously feeling jealous at how much attention Eric was giving Jessica.

Eric stepped back then and wrapped an arm around Callista. "And this is my girlfriend, Callista!" he introduced. Jessica's face fell for a brief minute, but a smile was back on her face just as quick. "And that's Dylan." Eric nodded his head towards me.

"Hi." When Jessica's eyes fell on me, her eyes and face both brightened once again.

"Oh, come on, Cal, it won't be so bad and I'll be there right there next to you the whole time. I promise."

"OK" Callista gave in.

Eric turned towards me and raised his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled. "Fine."

The coaster seated four people each, so we all got to go on with Jessica.

It was Eric on the left, then Callista next to him, then me next to Callista, and Jessica on my right.

The ride turned out to be a lot worse than I thought it would be. The whole time I was clutching to the handlebar in front of me and the only time until suddenly I felt a hand clamp down on mine. My fingers loosened and everything suddenly seemed to be going slow-motion. I looked to my right, Jessica had her head back and her arms in the air, enjoying the ride. My head swiveled to the right and I saw Callista with her head down on Eric's chest, but her fingers were clamped down on my wrist.

I didn't think she knew what she was doing, but I enjoyed it. Her soft fingers on my arm lowered my heart rate and helped calm me down. My eyes stayed on Callista for the remainder of the ride. When it was over, her hand came off and the reality of where I was and what I was doing came crashing back down on me. Everything returned to its normal pace, but I could still feel the world moving underneath me, my ears hurt, my throat was sore, and there was a cold feeling on my face from the wind that had been blown onto it.

"I feel all..." Callista started to say, as she gripped Eric's arm and tried to catch her breath.

"Numb?" I finished for her.

"Yeah. That's it." she nodded.

"Hey, so you guys wanna go again?" Eric had the audacity to ask.

"No!" Callista and I both shouted out at the same time.

"I am!" Jessica exclaimed.

I looked over to see if she was serious or not. She was.

"You should definitely go again, Dylan," Eric said then. I jerked my head back towards him and gave him an are-you-serious look. Eric nodded and mouthed, socialize!. "It'll be fun!"

"Uh, O-OK, I guess." I said uncertainly.

"Great!" Jessica grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards the roller coaster before I could change my mind.

When I returned on the ride, it felt nothing like it did when I was with Callista and Eric. This time, it went even faster and there was no slow-motion, heart-fluttering, and smooth feeling I got last time.

At one point, when it started rising high, high up, from the height I was up at, I could see Eric and Callista down on the ground together. Their arms were around each other and they were kissing. A different feeling washed over me then. It wasn't a good one and it was a lot like the ones I've been getting lately. The kind that made my heart feel heavy and on fire.

My blood felt like it was boiling and when the coaster went over, my heart dropped down to my stomach and I suddenly recognized the feeling. It was the same one Callista was experiencing when Eric was talking to Jessica for so long. Jealously.

But, that couldn't be it, because I didn't like Callista like that.

...Or did I?

A/N: Kay, so something VERY important is in this ch. OK, TWO important things. One of them is obvious, but the other one...not so much. But, it'll all make sense later on.

I know, I know, I keep reminding you that, but when IS later? Well, it's not that later anymore. You'll know soon enough exactly what all this means.

Well, actually, it might take a while to figure everything out, but it's actually pretty simple. I'm probably leaving WAY too many hints for you to understand now, but later you'll TOTALLY get it. =)

Enjoy your crazy lives till then! =D

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