Chapter Seventeen

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Silas saw fear register on Tess's face,
"I can't talk to them right now!" Silas tried to think of a solution, but it didn't come quick enough. There was a knock and then Tess's mother's voice,
"Tessie, honey, your father and I need to talk to you," Silas noticed the hesitation in her voice. Tess looked at Silas in desperation, and he said the first thing that came to his head,
"Say you're getting dressed," He whispered,
"I'm getting dressed!" Tess shouted,
"Alright, when you're finished come to the kitchen," Her mother called as her footsteps retreated,
"Now what? I can't just go out there. I know why she wants to talk," She said solemnly. Silas knew why also,
"I'm not ready."
"And neither is your body," Silas gestured to her mirror and she looked in it, gasping. She touched her neck gingerly, and fingered her wrists,
"Oh my Go-"
"Goodness," Silas corrected her. He watched Tess grab some jeans and then look around, perplexed at how to cover her neck,
"Got any turtle necks?"
"No, of course not. The weathers been too nice," She combed through her dresser draws, pulling out a long sleeve blue shirt,
"This should cover my wrists," Silas walked over to her closet, grabbing a black silk scarf,
"Will this work?" He asked,
"It will have to," Tess answered, taking it from his hands. She looked at Silas, and he felt uncomfortable,
"Could you uh, turn invisible and look away, or something?" She chewed her lip. Silas's face flushed from embarrassment,
"Of course," Silas turned invisible and focused on the unexciting wall. He emptied his mind, focusing on a chip in the paint, it almost looked like a rabbit,
"Yes?" He turned visible again, wondering what she wanted,
"Could you actually wait outside the window, and I'll knock on it when I'm done changing," Silas knew Tess wanted to be comfortable, but he did not want to go outside, and to make matters worse it was raining. The rain hit his invisible body and danced away, making his skin itch, and it annoyed him to no end. It seemed like forever before Tess knocked on the window. Silas floated through the wall and appeared in the middle of Tess's room. Tess stood there waiting,
"What do you think?" She asked self-consciously,
"It's a little odd for summer wear, but I think it will work," The jeans hid any bruises on her legs, and the shirt was long enough to cover her wrists. The scarf set everything off stylishly, but this was definitely not a summer outfit. Silas had to keep himself from staring, as the whole outfit lit up her face beautifully, making it seem as though she was happy on the outside,
"You'll be there, right?" Tess asked him,
"Invisible, but yes, I will be there," He reassured her, Tess sighed in relief,
"Good," She began walking towards her door, and Silas disappeared. He followed her to the kitchen and watched her inhale deeply before entering. Both her parents were sitting together with an empty chair across from them,
"Take a seat, honey," Tess's mother said, gesturing to the chair, her mother and father gave her questioning looks about her outfit,
"I was cold," Tess said bluntly, "Is something wrong?" Tess's brow furrowed in confusion. Silas was glad Tess was playing the part or this could go downhill, quick. He stood behind her chair silently,
"Did you go over to visit Levi today?" Her mom asked,
"Yes why?" Tess looked at her parents, eyes glinting,
"How was he acting?" Christian asked. Silas didn't know what did it, but every time Tess's father spoke he felt defensive,
"Why does the way he was acting matter to you?" Tess began to get up,
"Tess, please, this is important," Her mother pleaded. Tess eased back into her seat tensely. Tess looked between her parents,
"He was acting fine, I guess," Tess mumbled,
"So nothing out of the ordinary?" Her father asked,
"What is this? Twenty questions?" Silas was surprised at how aggressive Tess was, but then again she hadn't had the most normal day. Her mother and father exchanged a pained look,
"Tess, about an hour ago Levi's mother found him in his room, dead. He committed suicide," Tess jumped from her chair defensively,
"You're lying! Is this some kind of sick joke?!" Silas watched Tess glare at her parents,
"No, Tess, it isn't," Her father said solemnly. Tess shook her head back and forth, and Silas saw tears streaming down her cheeks,
"He wouldn't...He would never do this to me..." Silas knew her parents would see it as a statement about the suicide, but he knew that meant Levi's demon possession,
"Honey, we're very sorry," Her mom stood up and took a step toward her. Silas saw Tess inhale and step back. Christian almost seemed angry at her retreat as he stood up,
"Now Tess, I know this is painful, but your mother is trying to help you," He walked toward her,
"Please, just let me be," Tess backed up and froze as she hit the  kitchen wall,
"Tessie," Her father said quietly, still advancing toward her. Silas saw Tess struggling to keep from screaming. She looked as if she was reliving the memories. Silas growled at Christian and blocked his path. Christian walked right into him and Silas shoved him backward. Christian looked utterly confused as he fell onto the floor, looking for whatever had hit him. Silas stood firmly in his spot as he heard Tess let out a long breath,
"Tess, you're abusing your powers," He father said harshly. Silas felt Tess flinch behind him, 
"You wouldn't understand!" Tess barked back at him, Silas could tell she was crying. He heard her retreating footsteps, and turned, seeing her flee to her room. The door slammed and the distinct click of a lock was heard. Silas looked in the kitchen and saw Tess's mom helping Christian off the floor.
"I didn't know she had grown so strong in her powers," Tess's mother remarked. Christian dusted himself off, and then scanned the room critically. Silas flinched even though the man couldn't see him,
"That wasn't her powers, it was something else. I just don't know what."


Silas didn't stick around to hear anymore. The fact that Tess's father knew it was something else frightened him. He flew into Tess's room, immediately making himself visible. Tess was on her bed with her knees pulled up to her chin and arms wrapped around her legs,
"Tess?" Silas said quietly. She looked up at him, her grey eyes were sorrowful,
"I had to lie to them, and then when my dad started walking toward me-"She sucked in a breath,
"I know, I know," Silas kept his distance, not wanting to frighten her any more than she was already. Tess began to unwind her arms and legs,
"Thank you for blocking my father Silas, I wouldn't have been able to handle him coming that close," Silas looked down at the floor and back at Tess,
"I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt you," Tess looked confused, but didn't ask any questions. She threw her legs over the side of the bed and surprised Silas by walking over to him,
"Who knew my science partner would end up being my angel," She had stopped crying, but she looked like the world had thrown her into a tornado. Silas smiled,
"I did. Since I am always with you I knew you were a seer when your father told you. Gabriel thought it would be better for me to protect you in person. It kind of wards off demons."
"Who's Gabriel?"
"You know, Bible Gabriel. He's head of all the Angels in a heaven," Silas couldn't believe she didn't know who he was. He was one of the most famous angels being only lower than Michael,
"Oh yea, my mom and dad are into that, but I'm not very religious,"
"Bet that's changing," Silas laughed,
"Well this craziness is making me rethink," Tess let out a small laugh, which turned into a cough. Silas watched her shoulders sag,
"It's time you get some sleep," Silas told her. Tess didn't attempt to argue. She walked over to her bed and sat on it, not even bothering to change her clothes. Silas watched her closely, her sore body slowing her movements. Tess looked at him,
"What do angels do when their humans sleep?"
"We hover over your faces and stare at you like super creeps," Silas grinned cheekily. Tess rolled her eyes in good humor,
"Seriously what do you do?" She asked,
"We either leave you to sleep and go back up to Heaven to work, we stay and keep an eye on you non-creepily, or we simply go to sleep."
"Angels don't seem to rest that much," Tess commented,
"We don't need much sleep to do things," Tess quieted, and looked down,
"Tess, I won't leave you, trust me," He walked over to her bed, and sat down in the chair that had been so helpful all day. Tess smiled gratefully; she surprised Silas again with a quick embrace,
"Thank you," She whispered in his ear. Silas watched her settle herself under the blankets, and close her eyes. Silas wasn't sure how long it took her to fall asleep, but once she did, it was a deep sleep. Silas observed her silently. Her face was flawless, except for the gashes, and no longer laced with worry, making her look completely at peace. It made Silas relax, seeing her look content. The day's events weighed on him along with the soreness of his body. He felt the scratchy bandage rub against his pant leg, a reminder of his injury. What he told Tess about angels healing fast was true, except that demons weapons didn't care about his powers. The stab wound from the blade would take almost a month to heal and that's if it didn't get infected, which wounds from demons tended to do. Silas only hoped that wouldn't happen. Silas felt his head slowly sag lower and lower until he finally gave into to sleep. He laid his arm beside Tess's leg, finding assurance at being able to be close to her. He laid his head down on his arm, closing his eyes and letting sleep take over. The last thing he remembered was a vision of Levi's lifeless eyes staring into his.

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