Chapter Twelve

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Silas turned away from Tess and Levi angrily. All day he had stood around and watched her dote over Levi. All the while, he had to try to blend in with the crowd, which were not the most savory characters. He had just wanted to do one activity with her, as friends. When she said she was tired, he knew she was lying. She didn't want to leave Levi, which was evident on her features. Silas couldn't believe she would blatantly lie to him like that, and it hurt him deeper than it should have. He stopped a little ways from everyone debating on just disappearing, but the sound of someone following him made him turn. He was surprised to see Levi standing there, and immediately tensed. He noticed Levi did as well,
"What do you want?" Silas managed out, trying to keep his tone level,
"I can't just talk with you?" Levi asked, but his voice was laced with sarcasm. Silas narrowed his eyes,
"Why do you have such a problem with me?" Silas asked flatly. He didn't like dancing around the point. Levi pretended to ponder the question,
"Let's see...How about you come into this town, and save Tess's family, suddenly you think you're mister hero and can assume things about Tess's family, and that Tess will want to hang out around you,"  Levi challenged, Silas rolled his eyes. Levi sounded like a child to him,
"I will admit I might have been wrong about Tess's father, but I don't think Tess minds hanging out with me," Silas's voice rose a little, seeming to egg Levi on,
"Are you kidding me? Did you not see the way she tried to gently get rid of you?" Levi scoffed. Silas cringed,
"She wouldn't act so impulsive if you wouldn't have your hands all over her, all the time," He retorted back sharply,
"Are you jealous of it? Because that's what it looks like to me," Levi's eyes flashed with cockiness,
"Not jealous, but maybe she would make better decisions if she wouldn't hang out with jackasses like you," Silas said reaching a breaking point. He mentally apologized to Gabriel for cursing,
"Are you saying I'm bad for her?" Levi took a threatening step toward Silas,
"You don't know anything about her," Levi growled. Silas took a step toward Levi,
"I know more about Tess then you could ever dream of," He couldn't help smirking,
"I know you do, Angel boy," Levi hissed, and clipped Silas on the side of the head, knocking him down. Silas laid on the ground, momentarily stunned that Levi had actually punched him. He heard shouts around him and looked up at Levi, who stood threateningly above him. Silas glanced to his left as he saw Tess running toward them. The plead in her eyes was easily seen, but Silas ignored her focusing on Levi.
Sorry Tess. He apologized. Silas launched himself toward Levi, grabbing him around the waist and shoving him backward. Levi grunted from the impact, but fought against Silas. Silas pushed Levi away managing a hit Levi's lower lip. Levi looked injured for a second, but quickly recovered. Silas watched his movements. The hit should've made Levi tumble backwards with the strength Silas was using. Something was wrong with Levi. No human could take the hits Silas delivered or could stun Silas like Levi's punch had. Silas froze up realizing the only thing something like this meant. Levi grinned coyly as he saw Silas's realization. Silas lunged at Levi with renewed vigor, knowing this wasn't a petty fight anymore. Levi was ready for him, and they began to struggle back and forth against each other. Silas pounded his fist against Levi's lower lip again, this time busting it open. Everyone around cheered, disgusting Silas. Silas could hear Tess shouting frantically as she tried to push through everyone. His momentary distraction gave Levi time to hit him in the ribs, knocking the air out of Silas. Silas went down on his knees gasping for air. Levi didn't hesitate to knee Silas right in the face. Silas cowered away from Levi as warm blood oozed from his nose. It dripped in between his lips, and he only hoped his nose wasn't broken. Silas looked up at Levi, seething with anger. Levi grinned in victory, and brought up a fist to finish the fight,
"Stop!" Came Tess's angry scream. Silas looked up and was surprised to see Tess positioned protectively in front of him. Levi seemed equally shocked,
"Tess, this isn't your problem," Levi said, looking around her at Silas,
"I won't sit here and watch you beat up Silas, just so you can build up your ego," Tess stared back at Levi,
"I was just teaching him a lesson," Levi growled at Tess. Silas wasn't surprised by the anger in his voice, but Tess seemed shocked,
"We are leaving," She growled. She kneeled down beside Silas and he saw she was on the verge of tears,
"I'm so sorry," She whispered. Silas felt his anger ebb against her, seeing the regret in her eyes,
"Its fine, Tess," He mumbled, trying to rub the blood off his nose,
"I brought you here today, I caused this. Please forgive me," She sobbed, hugging him. Silas hugged her back, and saw pure hatred flash in Levi's eyes. Tess helped Silas off the ground, and shot Levi an angry look. She led him out the back gate quietly. Silas focused on stopping the blood from flowing out his nose as they walked to Tess's house in complete silence. Lucky for them Tess's parents didn't seem to be home as they walked into the kitchen. Tess got a washrag and handed it to Silas for his nose. Silas wiped what blood was left on his face off, and Tess came over to him,
"Is it broken?" Silas asked,
"I don't think so. Somehow, you got lucky on that hit," Tess's voice was a hoarse whisper,
Yea, lucky... Silas thought, knowing if he was human, his nose would be broken. Tess seemed lost in a void as she leaned against her kitchen counter, staring blankly at the wall,
"Earth to Tess," Silas joked, hoping to bring her out of her gloom. Tess turned to look at Silas, and he could see the tears gathering in her grey eyes again,
"Oh Tessie," Silas called her by her real name. He walked over to her, and she immediately curled into his chest, letting the tears finally fall,
"Silas, this is my fault," She cried against his shoulder. Silas rested his chin against the top of her head. He decided to let her talk,
"I should have treated you better today and this wouldn't have happened," She sniffed,
"I should have talked to you instead of Levi."
"Tess, please don't blame yourself. Levi and I were bound to have a confrontation sometime," Silas said. Tess stopped crying for a second,
"What do you mean?" She asked,
"Tess, don't tell me you didn't see the tension between he and I," Silas looked down at her,
"I guess it was kind of obvious, but I didn't think it would lead to this," She gestured to the bloody rag Silas had set down on the table,
"I wish it hadn't either," Silas agreed sadly. He slowly began to retreat away from Tess's embrace, but she grabbed his arm, slowly sinking back into his arms. Silas decided she was just in need of comfort and nodded, wrapping his arms around her. Tess seemed to relax at his touch. She looked up at him,
"What?" Silas asked. Tess bit her lip,
"Whenever I'm with you, I just feel like everything's going to be okay," She said. Silas immediately thought of Levi and the unknown threat he was to Tess,
"It will be," Silas answered her.
I promise.


Silas and Tess talked for a long time into the night, and she offered to let him stay at her house instead of driving home so late. Silas debated the idea and decided human wise it was probably a good idea. Tess brought some blankets and a pillow out to him. He was going to be sleeping on the couch. Silas accepted them, and sat down on the blankets, not sure what to do,
"Well um, I'm sure you're tired, so I'll let you sleep," Tess said finally. Silas nodded in agreement. Tess exited the living room stopping at the doorway. Silas looked at her questioningly,
"Thanks.... For everything," She said quietly.

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