8. Back in Black

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back in black I hit the sack
I been too long I'm glad to be back
yes I am
let loose from the noose
that's kept me hanging about
I keep looking at the sky cause it's gettin' me high
forget the hearse cause I'll never die
I got nine lives cat's eyes
using every one of them and runnin' wild
cause I'm back
yes I'm back well I'm back
yes I'm back
well I'm back back
well I'm back in black
yes I'm back in black
back in the back of a Cadillac
number one with a bullet I'm a power pack
yes I am
in a bang with the gang
they gotta catch me if they want me to hang
cause I'm back on the track and I'm beatin' the flack
nobody's gonna get me on another rap
so look at me now I'm just makin' my play
don't try to push your luck just get out of my way
cause I'm back
yes I'm back
well I'm back
yes I'm back
well I'm back back
well I'm back in black
yes I'm back in black

AC/DC: Back in Black

The next few days in Dallas seemed to fly by. Godric, Eric, and Sookie had a lot of catching up to do, and they spent pretty much every waking second they could, with each other. Life, however, caught up with them.

The day before, Sookie had received troubling information from Faery—her military adviser sent her a letter telling her that it seemed as though the king of the Water Fae was posturing for another attack. She would have to return and evaluate the situation for herself.

Eric had Sheriff responsibilities to attend to in Area 5, and knew he couldn't stay gone for too long.

Godric, on the other hand didn't know what to do with himself. He was no longer Sheriff of his area, having resigned the day after the bombing. He felt no need to remain in Dallas—there were just too many bad memories associated with the location.

"Sookie," Godric said, on her last day in Dallas, "I was wondering if I could...well, I was wondering if I could stay with you for awhile?" Godric asked, uncharacteristically nervous.

"Of course. Do you just not want to be in Dallas anymore?" Sookie asked concerned.

"That. And I have no more reason to be here. There's nothing left here for me. My home is gone, I am no longer sheriff..." Godric trailed off.

Sookie merely nodded, understanding that feeling just fine. "I get it. I have to go to Faery when I get home, though. There's a...disturbance. I need to check it out."

"That's fine. I can come with you again, if you wish?"

Sookie hesitated at that. Her people let it slide the first time, simply because they understood that she was upset and needed somebody there. They were also too upset to even notice. "With this threat, I think it would be best it you did come. Just in case."

Sookie finished her packing, and Godric sped off to his hotel room to pack his own belongings. He stood in front of the floor to ceiling window and took a deep, unnecessary breath—Dallas was no longer his home.

Sookie, in her own room, remembered when she decided to live in the Earth realm.

After the Fae War

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