6. The Sound of Winter

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Medusa smiles, Judas lips
Open arms and finger tips
Love bites and Recompense
I'll be with you until the end

Lets walk through the fire together
Disappear in the golden sands

It's all in your face
I see you break
It's like the sound of winter
The bleeding love, the silent escape
You've got to hang on to yourself

It's all in your face
I see you break
It's like the sound of winter
The bleeding love, the silent escape
You've got to hang on to yourself
It's like the sound of winter

The Sound of Winter

By: Bush

Sookie could feel her power draining. The Fellowship obviously didn't know about her kind, however most modern buildings were riddled with iron. This entire basement was made of it. She tried to use her light, but that just drained her even more—she was going to have to use her wit to survive. The Newlins' thought she was just a fangbanger, so that could work to her advantage. Sighing, she dropped to the ground, taking off her shoes.

"Godric, are you in here? I'm really fucking pissed at you!" she yelled, waiting for a response. When she got none, she listened for the void that his mind would create, yet felt nothing. It was daytime, however, so she knew it was a long shot. She was going to have to wait until darkness fell for either Godric or Eric to come searching for her. Eric would know something was wrong when he woke, and she wasn't there.

Sookie tried to rest while she waited for night to fall, but she couldn't fall fully asleep while cornered as she was. If Godric was here, she was going to be pissed. There's no way these idiots could have taken him—he would have had to have stumbled in to them, or they had taken him during his daytime rest—neither of which being appealing options.

As Sookie mulled those things over, she heard the door to the basement being opened. She braced herself, knowing that she had little to no use of her powers. A large man came down the stairs, and his thoughts said he was named Gabe, and that he had no kind feelings towards her or vampires. He reached the gate to her holding cell, and unlocked the padlock. Sookie was ready—she had one good shot of her light, but then that would be it. He stepped into the cell, and she shot him square in the chest. He stumbled backwards, but then lunged at her.

"What the fuck are you?" he asked her, pushing her into a shelf. "Nevertheless, I should show you what it feels like to be fucked by a real man, not some dead fanger," he said, pushing her dress over her legs.

"No!" Sookie yelled, pushing him. She didn't push him far though, since her power was quickly leaving her.

Gabe threw her to the ground, tearing her dress from her body. As he began to tear her panties away as well, he was abruptly gone. When Sookie looked up, she saw Godric holding the man by the throat. He looked at Sookie, and then snapped the man's neck, letting him fall to the floor.

"Godric," Sookie said, trying to catch her breath. "Come on, we need to get out of here. There's too much iron."

With that, Godric's eyes widened slightly, and he took his shirt off, handing it to Sookie so she could cover up. "Little One, we must hurry."

She put the shirt on, and let Godric pick her up, speeding them from the basement. When they reached the hallway, they heard screams. Sookie cast her mind out, and felt Eric's void. "Eric's here," she whispered to Godric, who only nodded.

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