3. Forever

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Sitting by a fire on a lonely night
Hanging over from another good time
With another girl... little dirty girl
You should listen to this story of a life
You're my heroine-in this moment I'm lonely fulfilling my darkest dreams
All these drugs all these women
I'm never forgiven... this broken heart of mine

Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever,
Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever

One last kiss,
before I go
Dry your tears,
it is time to let you go

One last kiss (one last kiss)
Before I go (before I go)
Dry your tears (dry your tears)
It is Time to let you go


By: Papa Roach

When Sookie and Eric reached Dallas, they were greeted by Stan Davis and a female vampire named Isabelle. Eric already knew them, so they introduced themselves to Sookie before piling into a waiting limousine.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," Stan said to Sookie. He looked like he was actually in awe of meeting the queen.

"Please, call me Susannah," she said smiling politely. Eric couldn't help but smirk, knowing that she was silently gauging whether or not the two vampires could be trusted. He knew, however, that they could.

"Susannah, Eric, we have rooms arranged for both of you. Eric, yours of course is light tight. Susannah, yours is a room facing the garden—it is just beautiful this time of year," Stan said, looking eagerly at Susannah for approval.

"Thank you Stan, truly, but there is no need to go to any extra trouble for me. I have been living a normal life for some time now," Sookie said smiling a little more genuinely this time.

A little while later, the limousine finally pulled into an affluent neighborhood, and into the driveway of the largest house. Two male Were's came out to help with luggage, and Isabelle escorted Sookie to her room.

When they were out of ear shot, Eric turned to Stan with a poorly hid smile. "Is it hero worship? Is that what it is?"

"Eric, it is not every day that someone of my level meets a royal Fae. I am going to soak it all in while I can, friend. She is beautiful, by the way," Stan said, giving Eric a wink.

"Yes, she is. I don't think that she will ever take me to her bed, though. She and Godric have a long history, that is why she is here with me."

"Yes, Godric used to speak most fondly of her," Stan said, looking towards the stairs wistfully.

Meanwhile, Sookie arranged her luggage in the dresser and the closet, and pulled out the photo album that she brought with her. Looking at the pictures, she smiled, recognizing the faces of the people in the photos. She wished she still had her diary, because she had been writing in it since the night Godric found her—she just continued to add pages, and copy pages she already had to preserve them, but she left it at home.

When she closed her eyes, she remembered the first time that she had ever been with Godric.

3rd Century AD

Every time Susannah tried to recall the faces of her husband and children, it became harder and harder—like trying to remember a dream, and having is slowly slip away from you. That's where Godric found her that night when he rose. She was sitting on her bed, still in her night dress, crying.

"Godric, I can't remember them," she said quietly. Godric slowly walked to the bed, feeling helpless, because he wasn't very good with dealing with crying women.

"Sookie, I don't know what to say to help you," he told her, as she climbed into his lap. She rested her head on his chest for a long time, but when she looked up at him, he could see the lust in her eyes. "Sookie, I need to go," he said.

Instead of saying anything, she had answered him with a single kiss. That kiss stirred something in Godric, and he growled low in his throat. "Sookie. I won't be able to stop," he warned her. She didn't move, so he pushed her onto the bed, and kissed her hard. He had wanted to do this since the day he saw her in that field. As he kissed her, he pushed her arms over her head, and trailed kisses down her neck, pushing her gown out of the way so he could kiss the exposed skin of her breast.

Sookie shivered with pleasure, and moaned his name, egging him on even further. He ripped the gown off of her, and threw it to the ground, as kissed down her abdomen, coming to a stop at her core. She bucked in surprise when his tongue licked up her slit, and he put his arm on her stomach to keep her hips from moving.

"Oh, Godric," she moaned, pushing on his head, causing him to growl again. The vibrations, though, sent her over the edge, with her screaming his name, and tangling her fingers in his hair.

He moved back up her body, and positioned himself at her entrance, kissing her hard as he plunged himself deep inside of her, relishing in her warmth. Her fingers scratched down his back, drawing blood, which caused him to drive harder into her. The animalistic side of both of them began to show through as they continued to fuck.

Godric pulled out of her suddenly, causing her to whimper, when he flipped her onto her hand and knees, and drove into her again, drawing another orgasm from her. Her orgasm milked his from him, and he rolled off of her, pulling her into arms, and kissing her forehead. Right then and there he had promised himself that he would be whatever he needed to make her happy, whether that was a lover or a friend. And for the longest time, it was a lover, until she began to pull away.

Sookie pulled out of the memory with a smile. She still remembered that day like it was yesterday. She and Godric had spent so many years fucking and being carefree, but she had wanted more. She had wanted to be part of the everyday world, and back then it was out of the question for a vampire to be a part of it. He would have been too vulnerable, and back then people were just looking for a reason to have an inquisition. Leaving him had been the hardest thing that she had ever done, but they needed their space, and the chance to rediscover themselves in the changing world. She would never forgive herself, though, if she never got the chance to apologize to Godric.

Around 1300 AD

"Godric, Eric, it isn't about you, this is me. I want to be a part of society. I want to see the sun and maybe meet somebody," Sookie told them that night when they rose. She already had a bag packed and a story to tell. It wasn't every day that a woman was traveling alone in England.

"Sookie, it isn't safe for you out there," Eric told her, however Godric put is hand on his child's arm.

"Eric, she can take care of herself. Sookie, are you sure this is what you want? We won't be here forever, and we won't know how to reach you," Godric told her, trying to keep the bloody tears from forming in his eyes.

"I' m sure. I need to reinvent myself in this new world. Being with you two, I won't ever get to do that. I love you both," she said, trying to hold back her own tears.

"I love you, too, Little One," Godric said, embracing her. She held on tight, before breaking free, and grabbing her bags.

"I have to go tonight. If I don't go, I'll change my mind," she told them as she went back to her room. When she walked back out, Godric took the bags from her and put them in the carriage. When he faced her again, he let his tears fall as he hugged her one last time, and picked her up to put her in the carriage. 

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