I took one last look at her, then we were out of the door. The doctors office was just around the corner so there was no need to take the car.

Quickly walking around the corner we arrived in about five minutes. Emma was just as happy to be outside, so she was just super excited to see where we were headed.

I open the glass door to a waiting room and let her in first. I then quickly sign her in on the appointment list.

There was a good fifteen minutes until her appointment so I sat down and pulled out her tablet. Lucky for me she was already sitting next to me.

I looked down at her before I could give it her. She looked like she wanted to cry. Her face was a bright red and her eyes brimmed with tears.

I pulled her into my lap and made her look at me, "What's wrong sweetie?"

She shook her head 'no' to my question. I pulled her a little closer to me. When the others walk in.

The twins were still together, as usual. Paris somehow found a group of dads with babies. Need I not mention that she was the youngest one in the group. I guess they're pretty cool, I know they're all hot, and married.

"Hey babe, what's wrong with Emma?" Paris said putting Cameron in Lissa's arms as they all surrounded us.

"I don't know. She just started feeling really sad when we got here. They should be calling her any minute now."

"So she was fine when you guys were walking and just got sad when you can in here?" Mel said sitting beside me.

I nod my head.

"You think she's been here before?" I look up as Lissa while she bounced the baby in her arms.

"I don't know, Maybe," I maybe, my voice was soft and quite. I didn't want to scare her while she was in my arms.

"Emma and Cameron MaSatin-Marks," a voice called through the room.

I look up at the nurse and got our bags and walked I'm after her. "Room four." She pointed to the room and turned away looking at a clip board.

Emma was hesitant about the entire situation. I pulled her up into my arms and stepped into the examination room. I sat her on to the table and she latched onto my body.

"Emmy what's wong?" I try to pull her away from me, She was basically stuck.

"Em, come one what's wrong?" I finally got her off my body. I made her look at me and it was painful to watch her eyes tear up. The most wretched part of it was that I couldn't help her because she wouldn't tell me.

"Hard time!" She said with frustration. I'd noticed her sentences had been getting shorter and she spoke much less than any kid I've met.

"Hard time? Hard time with what baby?" I asked her softly. No one had intended to interrupt us mainly because Emma has never done this before.

Big fat tears started to pour from her eyes and I could see pure frustration and anger.

"What's wrong with my patent?" The doctor interned with Disney pins all over his white over coat. He had a stethoscope in a Tigger sleeve and silly frown on his face.

"Honestly, we have no idea," Paris spoke up.

"Tell me what happened before you got here, but First I need names and relationships policy says only parents or Guardians are allowed to be present during the duration of the visit," he sat on his stool.

"I'm Paris Marks, her Daddy, that's Lissa her other dad and that's Mel her mom and finally Nessa her other mommy,"

"Okay then, now please share what happened," I detailed and started to speak.

"So we were at the house alone. She was completely fine, I think she started feeling really upset when we got here. Yeah, when we got here," I say holding her in my arms.

"Okay, I'll take a quick look at her," he pulled his stethoscope from around his neck and I let her go.

"Hi, I'm Buddy. Can you tell me your name?" he slid on his chair to her.

"Emma." She quickly said looking at us.

"That's very pretty name, How old are you Emma?" He asked as he turned away quickly to grab a few things from a drawer.

She told his her age in the same quick small voice.

He started in unwrapping his things and throwing away the sterile packaging. He first held up his popsicle stick and smiled.

"Can you open your mouth and put ur tongue out for me, like this?" He licked his tongue out and made a silly face. Causing Emma to laugh and do the same. He got his light from the track holder above the bed and used the stick to look at her throat quickly.

Be then took his light and put a plastic tip over the cone like end of it. He put the very top into her ear and quickly went to the other. I noticed what he was doing immediately, he was making things fun for her and he was moving too fast for things to get uncomfortable or annoying.

"Okay Emma, if you can do what I ask I'll give you a prize at the end. Are you ready?"

She nodded eagerly awaiting his requests.

"Can you follow my light with your eyes only?" She nodded doing so as best at she could. Of course she moved her head some but that was expecting of a kid her age.

"Okay now can you touch ur nose like this?" He held his hand in front of him and touching his nose. She did the same immediately.

"Great, now can I get a high five?" She slapped his hand. And he pulled out a Mickey Mouse keychain doll and matching stickers.

"Here you go, you were great!" Her looked excited for her. She was smiling so brightly.
It felt amazing to see her so happy with a toy.

We should seriously buy her more toys.

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