It's Real, She's Real

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It's Real, She's Real


Harry stares at Freya as she slowly turns around to face him, finally able to see her. At a loss for words he says, "How have you been?" and promptly cringes at himself for using his less than quality small talk skills.

"Dead." She says solemnly, folding her arms across her chest. "I wasn't gone for long, time didnt pass as slowly as it does on this plane of existence?"

"Where were you?"


"I'm so sorry, I didnt mean-"

"It's okay." she cut him off. "You're only human. You moved on, like people would've told you I wanted you to." Her tone was nothing of forgiveness despite what she was saying. It was almost as if she was saying he should've done the opposite.

Elòne stood and grabbed the kids running to Ava's room and locking the door. Freya watches but does nothing, too drained from the little show earlier.

She turns back to Harry waiting for him to say anything else he may or do something, hoping he will say anything. He looks away from her with a sigh leaving them in an awkward space with the tension slightly suffocating, so she walks away before she can say something hurtful.

She phases through Ava's door and silently watches Elòne hold Ava and Nova closely as if they were the unsafe ones. Slowly walking forward keeping her silent status she taps her shoulder and watches as she only tightens her grasp on the twins and clinches her eyes tighter. Low whimpers of utter terror are muffled into Ava's shoulder.

"I'm not going to hurt you or the twins, I mean it." Freya said gripping Elòne's shoulder.

Elòne looked up at her and then remembered when Dr.Clark had called her and she saw pictures of the parents she would be a surrogate for. This was the beautiful mother, the best friend and first love, the ghost that's not supposed to exist. She shouldn't exist anymore.

The twins wriggle away from Elòne's embrace and over to Freya where they stood clutching onto her from either side. Elòne was hurt that they left her that fast, her the woman that birthed them, breast fed them, made them cinnamon milk late at night or squezzed her body into one of their toddler beds with both of them because they had a bad dream and couldn't sleep. She can only stare back as they stare at her from their hiding spot behind the ghost of their biological mother and started to wonder how long had she been here, just hanging around.

"When did you get here- how did you get here, why are you here?" she sputtered almost under her breath finally looking Freya in the eye's. They were cloudy and the flecks of bright yellow that immediatly made Elòne jealous were no longer there.

"A couple days ago, as for the other questions it would be too much work to explain. Just know that I need the kids and Harry, I might even need you to help me."

"With what?"

"To free me from this world."

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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