Age 20

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~Age 20~

The air was crisp and cold against the ivory skin as he walked up the echoing metal steps to the roof of the abandoned building. Those emerald green eyes were bright, not with joy, but with determination. The metal stairs creaked under the weight, sound echoing through the vacant area.

'I have to try again... I know It will work this time... He cannot refuse me... He would not...' Sebastian's train of thought was clear, but he was also nervous, looking at the phone in his pocket and feeling a rush of... something. It wasn't exactly fear, he knew what that felt like.

Sebastian reached the final step and stopped cold. He was determined to go through with this. After all, it was far too late to turn back. It had to be done. Azarius had to be dealt with.

The metal door to the roof burst open suddenly and Sebastian saw his brother kneeling down, faced over the edge of the roof, some gun of unimaginable power and precision resting on a perfectly lowered stand just over the ledge of the building. Azarius had just set up his aim when Sebastian burst through the door.

The older twin flinched from the suddenness and his head whipped around. One fiery orange eye settled on the form of his younger brother, that eye going wide from shock.

Sebastian stared back at his brother and balled his fists, not noticing the build up of grey storm clouds surrounding them both and darkening with the appending storm.

"Azarius! Stop what you are doing!" He called out. The orange eyed twin snarled and rose from the crouching position and stood on his feet, still at quite a distance from his brother.

"How the hell did you find me?!" Sebastian glowered angrily at his twin.

"You and I were born two of the same... You are not the only genius." Azarius's cold stare bore into Sebastian's own determined one for a while before the taller one cracked a smile.

"What, Seb? Did you come to join me? Or did you just simply miss me?" That devious smile grew wider, making Sebastian's scowl sink deeper. He felt sickened already.

"Azarius, you know this is not a joke... I have come to finally put a stop to you." That smile disappeared within two seconds and a powerful glare returned. Azarius's one eye flashed.

"Of course you did... You always have. You have always held me back!" Sebastian narrowed his eyes.

"No, brother! I kept you safe! I have always been the one to keep you safe! From the beginning when you began to do awful things I had tried to guide you down the right path, and time and time again you deny me!"

"WHAT MAKES YOUR PATH RIGHT AND MINE WRONG?!" Azarius's voice had now lifted to a shout which surprised Sebastian, making him flinch. The grey clouds overhead began to rumble.

"WHAT MAKES YOU SO HIGH AND MIGHTY?!?! WHY ARE YOUR MORALS ACCEPTABLE AND MINE ARE NOT?!?! WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME?!?!" The taller twin's skin was burning red now with anger.


"Because you are killing innocent people! You can rationalize it any way you please, but you and I both know it is still cold blooded murder! In what world is that morally correct?! Answer me that Azarius! WHY DO YOU BELIEVE IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO TAKE ANOTHER PERSONS LIFE?!" A crack of thunder erupted from overhead, intensifying the gravity of Sebastian's words.

Out of nowhere, Azarius smiled again. He started walking toward Sebastian, and the shorter twin could now see the little bit of scar poking out from behind the black velvet eyepatch. He also remembered how Azarius had given Sebastian his spare for no true reason. In order not to worry Sebastian, the cause for his scar was a mystery, but that eye was incredibly injured.

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