Wednesday practice

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We arrive at practice. "Paschal who do we face tommorow?" Coach Zac Taylor asks. "Houston coach." I anwser. "What happen to the bills last week Landry?" Coach Campbell asks. "They lost to Houston coach" he says firm. "WHAT I WANNA KNOW IS ARE WE GONNA PLAY AGAINST HOUSTON LIKE WE DID NEW ENGLAND!?" Campbell yells. "No... We will play better than last week." I say. Campbell "Correct.. Defense i want a saftey and cornerback on DeAndre Hopkins. Also for passes paschal your gonna play as a extra reciever not the rb spot we won't have one." He says and we practice. "Hand off... Landry play the protective spot anyone who comes for him you get him!" Tannehill says and breaks. He hikes the ball and i get the ball and stay behind Landry and then he picks a guy off and i get another 12 yards for a total of 59 yards. The practice ends and we head home.

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