Im a NFL rookie

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So Im officially a NFL player i think to myself. I get the the Miami Dolphin Stadium. I run in and meet the team. I meet coach Campbell first. "Hello you must be Matt Paschal?" He asks and i nod. "Great." He says and hollers "Tannehill come here!" I am excited to meet my new quarterback Ryan tannehill. I finish meeting my new team and we start practice. Tannehill hands me the ball and i run wide right for 19 yards. Tannehill hikes the ball again after we celebrate and the reciever a and tight end and me run for a pass. He throws it to number one reciever Jarvis Landry. Practice ends and and Jarvis and Ryan walk up to me "wanna go out for lunch?" Jarvis asks. I say sure and we leave. We all drive to starbucks and get coffee. "So matt you excited for your first seasonal game?" Jarvis asks. "Yea im super excited i was drafted to Miami!" I say smiling. We finish at starbucks and i head to my house.

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