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"I get the feeling," Añero began, "Since we are the only ones who can fix this mess, that it's all Kieran's fault. I don't know why, I just have this gut feeling."
"Don't blame it on Kier, he has nothing to do with this." Ash was scowling again, crossing her arms, and looking out the window of her apartment window. She locked the door so Keidensu wouldn't walk in and see Añero sitting there. Not that there was anything wrong with Añero, it was that they wanted to keep low. Only Kieran knew that Añero had gone out to find the two, but they couldn't risk somehow letting Andheera know that they knew what was going on.
"A," Ash said softly, "Didn't you want rid of your powers when I first met you?"
Añero remembered when he first met her in that small cafe that she loved.
"Yes, I did. Why?" Añero knew where she was going with this. He knew she was still thinking about fitting in with the rest of this new world, because he did too. He woke up comfortable, had an amazing breakfast, (which Anne Marie said he had all the time) and he had, what he called, a 'Mom and Dad'. He was still bitter towards his parents for dropping him off at some orphanage just because they didn't want to deal with his magical outbursts. He never wanted them, until he had a good use for them, and that was fighting crime on the streets of Yūki city alongside his best friends.
"Because in this new world, you don't use them, obviously. You haven't in years. I don't have magic, Kieran doesn't have magic, and you don't use it. For all we know, we could be happy here."
"But, here, we aren't friends. Here, we are all strangers. My friends, my family. You were all I had. I still have Kieran and a ghost, but it's not the same without you and Sei- Keidensu. I miss my magic, it was so handy to have around since I had a use for it. But here I am, powerless against anybody or anything. I could get attacked on the streets and try to use my magic, but only make myself more vulnerable and get robbed or killed." His eyes started to water up, "Ashuri, this is not where I belong. I belong where my family is, and right now, you are all the real family I have left so long as you remember." He held back his tears.
By this time, Ashuri was looking directly at him with her attention on him. Seeing that he was close to shedding a few tears, she sat next to him, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Añero, it's okay to cry. You can let it out, I won't judge you. Heck, I did the same thing to you earlier." Añero chuckled sarcastically.
"I haven't cried since I was nine, Ash. I'm not going to cry after ten years." He glared off into the distance with bitterness oozing out of his attitude.
"T-ten y-years?" She asked softly, hoping he would say more.
"Ya know, I would tell you, but my magic isn't strong enough to make you forget so I'm not saying any more." He instantly realized his sour mood, but didn't do anything to fix it.
"I understand Añero, not wanting to be vulnerable. I know that better than anyone. But you just told me I was the only real family you had left, and if I know one thing, it's that families get through stuff together. So please, let me help you. I'm here to listen, always." She looked him right in the eye, though he didn't look back, as he was trying to not lose his strength anymore.
He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.
"Well... Here goes nothing." He started, but then the door knocked.
Ashuri groaned. She was so close to getting some knowledge on Añero.
"Who is it?" She almost snapped, but held back the tone, so she just sounded frustrated.
"It's Keidensu. I was walking past and heard voices, is there someone in there with you?" She sounded concerned.
"Yes, I have a friend over--" she was cut off by Keidensu.
"Is that Jarrett?! Hiiiiii Jarrett!!" She yelled from the other side of the door, which only sounded muffled.
"It's not Jarrett, who's Jarrett?" Ashuri was utterly confused.
"Oh, stop it, Ash. You're not fooling anybody." She laughed. "But hey, I won't tell anyone." She was walking away, but Ash ran to the door and quickly yanked her in.
"Whoa, Ash, what's going on? Who is that?" Keidence looked scared.
"Not Jarrett. This is Añero. He's one of my best friends, and basically like my brother."
"N-nice to meet you, A-Añero." She said sheepishly. She shook his hand, but wouldn't make eye contact with him. He was much taller than her, so she'd have to look almost directly up to see his face when standing next to him.
"Nice to meet you too." He bent down a little, gave her a cheeky grin, and kissed her hand like a gentleman.
She blushed wildly and looked away with a slight smile on.
"So, how old are you, Keidensu?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow.
"I-I'm n-n-nineteen." She stuttered. She wasn't used to anyone flirting with her. Especially a tall, dark stranger, according to her. Little did she know how much of a goofball Añero really was.
"Hmmm. Very interesting." He stood up tall and looked down at her.
"H-how old are you?" She questioned, looking up at him.
"The same." He said simply, trying not to smile. She perked up.
"Oh, really? That is interesting. Do you--" Ash cut her off and gave Añero a glare.
"Hey, K, I need you to leave. We were talking about important stuff and--" Añero cut Ashuri off.
"Pshaw. We were only talking about my past, which isn't relevant anymore. Keidensu, would you like to go grab a bite with us?" He suddenly blushed slightly. This was his friend who he knew as a ghost. He was flirting with a dead chick. He was also starting to wonder how he became a lady's man.
"I-I would love to!" She smiled brightly up at him. Ash groaned and pulled at her face skin, as she followed them to wherever they decided to eat.

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