Chaptah Whatevah

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Kieran groaned and stuck headphones in his ears, blasting the music so Añero would leave him alone.

"Kieran, I know it's hard to believe, but I'm being totally serious right now. No jokes. I promise." Kieran glared at him and walked the opposite way.

"Save it. I don't want your help." He said in a dull serious tone.

"Kieran, you big idiot. I'm trying to help you. Don't do this alone. You want to find her killer, right?"

Of course he did. He missed his Anne Marie more than ever. But right now, Añero was pushing his limits.

"I said I don't want your help!!" He yelled at Añero. He had never yelled at him before, since he knew some of Añero's past. He was touchy about it for some reason, and Kieran felt bad.

"I'm sorry Añero, but really, I don't need help. I can figure it out by myself." Kieran turned away again and locked himself in his room. Although simple locks couldn't keep Añero out, he respected his friend's privacy.

Añero turned around and sighed. "Your boyfriend is too darn stubborn. He wants to do it by himself and feel like he's avenged you."

"Give him a break. He's having a hard time with this. He did love me after all." Anne Marie replied.

"Well, I'm sorry. You're the one who asked me to help so he could be at peace with this stupid thing. He should be more open to help, it's been a whole year." Añero and Anne both let out exasperated sighs.

They weren't the best of friends, as Añero found her a little bit bossy and too nice for the situation, and as Anne found him to be too insensitive and obnoxious. But she needed him to get through to Kieran. She hated seeing him in a serious state all the time; wanting to see the dead bodies of her killers. He wasn't the Kieran she used to know; who giggled and sang like an angel, who hated death and killing. Her sweet Kieran had turned into fire and rage.

"You have to convince him." She stated after there had been a few moments of silence.

"Why don't you? He'll listen to you, 'his princess'." Añero bitterly mocked. He hated seeing his friend in this state as well. He quit joking around like he used to. he was obsessed over trying to find Anne Marie's murderers. But Añero was getting tired of trying. No matter how many times he tried he couldn't get Kieran to let him help.

"I already told you. If he sees me, he'll never want me to leave, he'll never have a chance with any real person. You have to try again." Añero took a deep breath, turned around, and knocked on Kieran's door to try again. "Thirty-seventh times the charm." he said sarcastically looking at Anne Marie, and sticking his tongue out at her, to which the action was returned.

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