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: low or poor in quality: not correct or proper: not pleasant, pleasing, or enjoyable

Full Definition

1 a : failing to reach an acceptable standard :poor <a bad repair job>
b : unfavorable <make a bad impression>
c : not fresh : spoiled <bad fish>
d : not sound : dilapidated <the house was inbad condition>2 a : morally objectionable : evil <bad men>
b : mischievous, disobedient <a bad dog>3 : inadequate or unsuited to a purpose <abad plan> <bad lighting>4 : disagreeable, unpleasant <bad news>5 a : injurious, harmful <a bad influence>
b : serious, severe <in bad trouble> <a badcough>6 : incorrect, faulty <bad grammar>7 a : suffering pain or distress <felt generallybad>
b : unhealthy, diseased <bad teeth>8 : sorrowful, sorry <feels bad about forgettingto call>9 a : invalid, void <a bad check>
b : not able to be collected <a bad debt>10 bad·der bad·dest slang
a : good, great
b : tough, mean

Other forms: worse \ˈwərs\; worst \ˈwərst\

bad·ness noun


a bad repair jobbad workThe house is in bad condition/shape.

Origin: Middle English.

First use: 14th century

Synonyms: bastard, bush, bush-league,crummy (also crumby), deficient,dissatisfactory, ill, inferior, lame, lousy, off,paltry, poor, punk, sour, suboptimal, subpar,substandard, unacceptable, unsatisfactory,wack [slang], wanting, wretched, wrong, below(or under) par, from hunger

Antonyms: acceptable, adequate, all right,decent, fine, OK (or okay), passable,respectable, satisfactory, standard, tolerable

Synonyms: badly, deficiently, inadequately,lousily, poorly, unacceptably, unsatisfactorily,wretchedly

Antonyms: acceptably, adequately, all right,fine, good, nicely, OK (or okay), palatably,passably, satisfactorily, so-so, tolerably, well

Synonyms: evil, evildoing, ill, immorality,iniquity, sin, villainy, wrong

Antonyms: good, morality, right, virtue




: morally bad forces or influences: the unpleasant things that happen topeople: things that are morally wrong

Full Definition

1 : something that is bad2 : an evil or unhappy state3 : fault 4 <the mistake was my bad>


She was struggling when she first started the job, but she's not doing so bad now.He hasn't succeeded because he doesn'twant it bad enough.He cut himself real bad.

First use: 15th century

Synonyms: bastard, bush, bush-league,crummy (also crumby), deficient,dissatisfactory, ill, inferior, lame, lousy, off,paltry, poor, punk, sour, suboptimal, subpar,substandard, unacceptable, unsatisfactory,wack [slang], wanting, wretched, wrong, below(or under) par, from hunger

Antonyms: acceptable, adequate, all right,decent, fine, OK (or okay), passable,respectable, satisfactory, standard, tolerable

Synonyms: badly, deficiently, inadequately,lousily, poorly, unacceptably, unsatisfactorily,wretchedly

Antonyms: acceptably, adequately, all right,fine, good, nicely, OK (or okay), palatably,passably, satisfactorily, so-so, tolerably, well

Synonyms: evil, evildoing, ill, immorality,iniquity, sin, villainy, wrong

Antonyms: good, morality, right, virtue




: badly <not doing so bad> <doesn't want itbad enough>


There's more good than bad in him.We need to teach our children the differencebetween good and bad.You have to take the good with the bad.

First use: 1681

Synonyms: bastard, bush, bush-league,crummy (also crumby), deficient,dissatisfactory, ill, inferior, lame, lousy, off,paltry, poor, punk, sour, suboptimal, subpar,substandard, unacceptable, unsatisfactory,wack [slang], wanting, wretched, wrong, below(or under) par, from hunger

Antonyms: acceptable, adequate, all right,decent, fine, OK (or okay), passable,respectable, satisfactory, standard, tolerable

Synonyms: badly, deficiently, inadequately,lousily, poorly, unacceptably, unsatisfactorily,wretchedly

Antonyms: acceptably, adequately, all right,fine, good, nicely, OK (or okay), palatably,passably, satisfactorily, so-so, tolerably, well

Synonyms: evil, evildoing, ill, immorality,iniquity, sin, villainy, wrong

Antonyms: good, morality, right, virtue

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