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\ˌkä-nə-ˈsər also -ˈsu̇r\


: a person who knows a lot about something(such as art, wine, food, etc.) : an expert in aparticular subject

Full Definition

1 : expert; especially : one who understandsthe details, technique, or principles of an art and is competent to act as a critical judge2 : one who enjoys with discrimination andappreciation of subtleties <a connoisseur offine wines>con·nois·seur·ship \-ˌship\ noun


a forthcoming exhibit at the art museum thatis eagerly awaited by connoisseurs of ancientGreek potteryworks that are highly prized by connoisseursof art glass

Origin: obsolete French (now connaisseur),from Old French connoisseor, from connoistreto know, from Latin cognoscere - more atcognition.

First use: 1714

Synonyms: cognoscente, dilettante

Antonyms: amateur, inexpert, nonexpert

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