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: a set of negative and often unfair beliefsthat a society or group of people have aboutsomethingbotany : the top part in the center of a flowerwhich receives the pollen

Full Definition

1 a archaic : a scar left by a hot iron : brand
b : a mark of shame or discredit : stain <borethe stigma of cowardice>
c : an identifying mark or characteristic;specifically : a specific diagnostic sign of adisease2 a stigmata plural : bodily marks or painsresembling the wounds of the crucified Jesusand sometimes accompanying religiousecstasy
b : petechia3 a : a small spot, scar, or opening on a plantor animal
b : the usually apical part of the pistil of aflower which receives the pollen grains and onwhich they germinate - see flower illustration

Other forms: plural stig·ma·ta \stig-ˈmä-tə, ˈstig-mə-tə\ or stig·mas

stig·mal \ˈstig-məl\ adjective


the stigma of slavery remained long after it had been abolished

Origin: Latin stigmat-, stigma mark, brand,from Greek, from stizein to tattoo - more atstick.

First use: circa 1593

Synonyms: blot, brand, onus, slur, smirch,smudge, spot, stain, taint

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