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: making or causing a lot of noise : strongand noticeable in soundof a person : noisy in a way that bothersother people: expressing ideas or opinions in a very openand forceful way

Full Definition

1 a : marked by intensity or volume of sound
b : producing a loud sound2 : clamorous, noisy3 : obtrusive or offensive in appearance orsmell : obnoxiousloud adverbloud·ly adverb


a loud noise/partyloud music/laughter/applauseShe complained in a loud voice.

Origin: Middle English, from Old English hlūd;akin to Old High German hlūt loud, Latin inclutus famous, Greek klytos, Sanskrit śṛṇoti hehears.

First use: before 12th century

Synonyms: blaring, blasting, booming,clamorous, clangorous, deafening, earsplitting,piercing, plangent, resounding, ringing,roaring, slam-bang, sonorous, stentorian,thundering, thunderous

Antonyms: gentle, low, soft

Synonym discussion: loud stentorianearsplitting raucous strident mean marked byintensity or volume of sound. loud applies to any volume above normal and may suggestundue vehemence or obtrusiveness <loudshouts of protest>. stentorian implies greatpower and range <an actor with a stentorianvoice>. earsplitting implies loudness that isphysically discomforting <the earsplittingsound of a siren>. raucous implies a loud harshgrating tone, especially of voice, and maysuggest rowdiness <the raucous shouts ofdrunken revelers>. strident implies a raspingdiscordant but insistent quality, especially ofvoice <the strident voices of hecklers>.

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