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\(ˌ)im-ˈpər-tə-nənt, -ˈpərt-nənt\


: rude and showing a lack of respect

Full Definition

1 : not pertinent : irrelevant2 a : not restrained within due or properbounds especially of propriety or good taste <impertinent curiosity>
b : given to or characterized by insolentrudeness <an impertinent answer>im·per·ti·nent·ly adverb


the impertinent child had a smart answer foreverythingimpertinent salesmen who telephone peopleduring the dinner houryour résumé needlessly lists skills that areimpertinent to the job for which you areapplying

Origin: Middle English, from Anglo-French,from Late Latin impertinent-, impertinens, fromLatin in- + pertinent-, pertinens, presentparticiple of pertinēre to pertain.

First use: 14th century

Synonyms: arch, audacious, bold, bold-faced,brash, brassbound, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, cheeky, cocksure, cocky, fresh, nervy,impudent, insolent, sassy, saucy, wise

Antonyms: meek, mousy (or mousey),retiring, shy, timid

Synonym discussion: impertinent officiousmeddlesome intrusive obtrusive mean given tothrusting oneself into the affairs of others.impertinent implies exceeding the bounds ofpropriety in showing interest or curiosity or inoffering advice <resented their impertinentinterference>. officious implies the offering ofservices or attentions that are unwelcome orannoying <officious friends made the jobharder>. meddlesome stresses an annoyingand usually prying interference in others'affairs <a meddlesome landlord>. intrusiveimplies a tactless or otherwise objectionablethrusting into others' affairs <tried to behelpful without being intrusive>. obtrusivestresses improper or offensiveconspicuousness of interfering actions<expressed an obtrusive concern for hissafety>.

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