Little Ira

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-Ira POV-

I don't know how long we were running, but I was out of breath. Dad had to carry me half the way, but I seem to slow them down. Mother kept looking back to see if we were being followed as dad put me down and dragged me along.

"Come Ira, move quickly." I don't understand why we had to leave home. Even mother was pulling me along with dad.

"Why did we have to leave home?" I tried not to lose my glasses, as they pulled me along. They both stopped and looked at me with fear in their eyes.

"Listen Ira, I know this doesn't make sense, but when you get older. It all will. I promise." my mother spoke softly but in a rush. She was sweet and caring, but something spooked her, just like father. Who I believed didn't fear anything. He too was scared. I was getting scared myself.

"But mama." I tried.

"No, buts son. You are in danger."

Hey guys, sorry for the long update. No computer and all. Life just took a hold of me and bitch slapped me back to the real world for the last few months. So I had to reread everything.

So the story so far. Xaria is mates with Ira, who ran away because Derek (Alpha's son. ) have him an ultimatum. Derek thought Xaria was his mate, but it was Urbi along. Xaira's best friend. Ira was gone for two years hanging out with Victoria, Sam and Jack (boys are twins) when they came back, Ira caught Xaria kissing Max. Xaira's mother (Angie) wanted Ira to leave again because Angie has big plans for Xaria to over take the pack away from Alpha Mike who isn't the rightful Alpha. But Ira proved himself and is allowed to stay, along with his new friends. So far that's the summary of the story. Left out a few flash backs. But alright here we go, right back into it.

I'm at the library. So little Ira is what I had as a save drafted I have no clue where I was going with it, but as I was rereading the story, new ideas popped into my head. Let's see if it all works out. Yea? Okay. Let the writing begin.

By the way, I do apologize. Trust me this isn't the only book that needs to be updated, but I'll put my focus in this one and my other one black wolf. Now to make at least a two hour window at the library, so I can't type fast. I'm on a timer people!!! Lol. -Ana

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