PJ clears his throat, only loud enough for Phil to hear. Phil looks up and across the table, raising his eyebrow. The two of them had a long talk yesterday, how Phil should stop dragging people on. Phil was quick to defend himself, saying that he doesn't do that. But it was quiet obvious.

'If you keep dating Carrie while talking to your mystery lover boy then you're both dragging them on.'

PJ's voice echoes in Phil's mind, oh how he wish his friend isn't so level headed.

Phil quickly took his phone, and tapped a message. PJ's phone soon vibrated, and Phil kept on typing in his phone, trying to act natural. PJ pulled his phone out and rolled his eyes at his friend's message.

P: i cant do this now

PJ: you have to u spork its obvious that ure not into carrie anymore

P: yeah but wtf i cant just break up with her now

PJ: i say do it

Phil sighs and looks up at PJ, who gave him a knowing look. He doesn't have a choice. He never really loved Carrie, he just thought she was kind of hot and assumed that she would be an awesome girlfriend. But he was then proven wrong when all she did was brag about their relationship, and get in his pants all the time.

"Hey Carrie," Phil clears his throat, he is not ready for the shit that is about to come.

"Yeah?" Carrie looks back at him, a smile etched on her face.

"We need to break up." Phil stated, making Carrie's jaw drop and place her hand on her chest.

"Excuse me?" She gasped.

"You heard me." Phil shrugs, standing up from his seat and exits the diner. Carrie was still shocked at what happened, and PJ had a little smirk on his face while Joe and Alfie were both calm in this situation. They kind of expected that they wouldn't be together for too long.

Phil exits the diner, and sits in his car. He kind of feels relieved and with no problems what so ever, He just took out his phone and typed a message to a certain someone.


hey, have you heard about the school dance?

He sends the message and looks up at the diner, where the table where he was once sat was still visible and he could see the rest of the group still seated. Carrie was fanning her eyes, probably about to cry. Phil just scoffed, and he spotted a familiar brunette making his way to the table. Dan gave them the drinks, then right after he took out his phone from his pocket and typed something while walking back to the kitchen.

Phil soon got out of the parking lot, and drove down the road to get some rest. His phone soon vibrated, but fought back the urge to pick it up. The car ride back to his house was silent, the only sound present was the soft hum of the radio. By the time he pulled up in their garage, it was slightly drizzling.

He was soon inside his room, reading the message that his chat partner just sent.


yeah, it's all I hear at school. I don't really plan on going.


really? why not?


well I don't have a date, and I'm pretty sure I'll just end up embarrassing myself


aw no don't think that


It's the truth tho


still, you shouldnt degrade yourself like that x



still, you shouldn't degrade yourself like that x

Dan felt his heart beat accelerate as he read the sentence, failing to conceal his beet red face with his hand. He doesn't why he's even flustered, he has no idea who this person is. But for some reason, he doesn't care. His little moment was soon interrupted.

"Dan! Where are you?" Cheryl suddenly shouts from the front of the diner, making everyone turn their heads. She absolutely loved attention, she was a bombshell. Dan rolls his eyes, but drags his feet to the front anyway, not wanting his step sister to snap at him in front of everyone.

"yeah?" Dan asked through gritted teeth, resting his palms on the counter. Cheryl smiles at him, before putting a piece of paper in front of Dan.

"This is the chores that you will be doing tonight, Mom said so." She said, placing her hand on her hip and stares at Dan while he picks up the piece of paper and scanned the messy hand writing once.

"Of course she did." Dan mumbled, but unfortunately Cheryl heard. She raised her perfect eyebrow at Dan, and walked out of the store while strutting her hips like the bitch she is. 

Dan just sat down on the counter again, and scanned the list of chores he has gotten from his sorry excuse of a mother. He sighed, might as well get this day over it and look forward to tomorrow.

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