C H A P T E R 16

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I WOKE up, faint and nothing seemed right. I tried to stand, but there were bounds holding me, thought I couldn't see any. I heard footsteps come into the room, and from experience I knew what I should do. I lay back down and closed my eyes. I might learn something if whoever it is is unaware of my wake. 

"Why can't I kill her?" I heard Cole's voice ask. My chest tightened and I hurt even more, knowing that he betrayed the Renegades, and me. "Because" I heard Margaret say. I still can't wrap my head around all of this, but who am I to say it isn't true? "Because I have plans for her." "What do you mean?" I heard Cole inquire.

"I have some dirty work I need taken care of" she replied, "And I'd rather her do it than me." I refrained from gasping, or making any sound. "Besides" she continued, "It's more fun this way." I heard her heels click out of the room in a steady beat to her horrid laughing.

I heard things shift in the room, and sensed someone sitting near me. Something in me knew it was Cole.

Valerie, I heard said in my head. His voice was so familiar and calm, unlike the menacing tone I have come to recently know. It's all in my head, I told myself.

No its not, I heard, as soon as I finished my thought. I'm right here, his voice said.

How? I asked.

Margaret's real accomplice was Beatrice. She implanted a device in my ear about a week ago. It made it so I couldn't control my actions or words. It was like another person took over my body. I have a memory of everything that has happened over these days, however I can't do anything about it. All I have are my thoughts. That "other person" controlled my body. He lured everyone here, knowing that each and every Renegade who entered this building wouldn't come out alive. I need you to figure out a way release me. I don't know how you will do so, but just know I need you. As far as I know, you are the only one I can communicate with through my thoughts. You're my only chance. You're the Renegade's only chance.

Then I heard him leave the room. He couldn't stop himself.

Moments later, I heard the familiar click of the heels tap into the room. I lay there motionlessly, not making a sound as they neared. I felt something cold and hard go into my left ear. I felt it expand, and it brought about pain, but I was forced to ignore it. I felt the bounds come off of me. 

"Get up!" I heard yelled at me. And immediately I obeyed. I opened my eyes and saw Margaret standing in front of me. She turned and walked. "Walk with me" she demanded, and I again I obeyed. I couldn't stop myself. "Good" I heard her say. "Now jump." Immediately, I began jumping up and down in my place. I heard Margaret's cackle again as I did. "Now stop", she ordered. I saw her speak into a small device she held to her lips. What is she planning to do with me? I wondered. She looked at me and smirked. "You will see all in due time" she said, and walked out of the room. Unwillingly, I followed, marching behind her. As we left the room, I saw her figure dissolve and within seconds she was another person. She turned around, and I saw Elizabeth's face.

"Before the world becomes mine" she said, "I have to take a out a few pesky rebels, who are intent on destroying me."

As soon as we turned the corner, I saw a small figure dressed in all black, carrying a gun. She shakily held it out and sacredly looked around. I appeared in front of her. I recognized her face as Alexa's. She sighed a breath of relief when she saw me, but her face froze in horror immediately after I held up the gun from my side, and shot. Everything inside of me broke and shattered to pieces as I saw the little girl fall to the ground. Inside, I fell to my knees crying, however on the outside, I walked away laughing to myself. "Good Valerie", Margaret said walking up behind me. I turned and felt myself smiling at her menacingly grinning face. "Come Valerie", she instructed, "We have so much more to do."

INCAPABLE - BOOK I: THE FALLENWhere stories live. Discover now